Chapter 13

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It was around 6 o'clock and time for the young masters to sit down and eat there dinner. Ceil and Alois waited in the dinning room while Sebastian and Claude brought there food out to them.announcing what it was they where eating. Ceil poked at his food before eating. While Alois scarfed his food down so fast.

"Sebastian?" Ceil said with a blah tone.

"Yes, young master?" Sebastian said bowing down to his level.

" I decided a new rule of the house" ceil said looking down at his food still poking it with a fork.

"And what is that?"

"The butlers must stay in the same room"

This caught everyone else by surprise. Sebastian just stood there with no comment and Alois started choking on a piece of food. Claude was surprised as well and didn't even realize that Alois was choking.

Once claude heard a loud coughing noise he snapped out of it and helped Alois.

" the butlers stay in the same room?!?" Alois shouted.

"Yes, is there a problem" ceil said looking over at Alois.

"Yes there's a problem" Alois groaned out.

"What's that?"

"You know what"

"No, no I don't." With that ceil stood up and started walking off towards his study. He then stopped. " i don't want dessert" he said towards Sebastian then left.

Everyone still was quiet. Then Alois broke the silence.

" I don't want any ether" Alois said getting up and following ceil.

Alois quickly followed behind him.

"Ceil, wait" Alois shouted trailing behind him.

"What made you make that rule?" Alois said finally catching up.

"If the two of them are together maybe we could catch them" ceil said walking into the study.


"Did I just hear correctly?" Sebastian said towards Claude.

"I'm guessing so" Claude answered while grabbing so dirty dishes.

Sebastian still stood there a moment and then glanced over at Claude with a small smile.

"What?" Claude asked grabbing the rest of the dishes and placing them on the cart.

Sebastian didn't say anything but swiftly made his way towards Claude.

"No" Claude snapped knowing exactly what Sebastian was doing.

"Why not?" Sebastian said, his body inches from Claude's.

"There up to something so they will be watching and expecting us to do something" Claude answered pushing his glasses up on his nose.

"So, let them watch. There old enough to see" Sebastian said while grabbing Claude's waist pulling him against his body.

Claude blushed a little and went to pull away but Sebastian tightened his grip around him. Sebastian looked down at Claude. Leaning down and kissing him gently on the lips. Claude pulled away.

"I said no" Claude growled.

"Nobody tells me no. You should know that by now" Sebastian said with a small smirk.

Sebastian then let go of Claude and left with the cart full of dirty dishes.

Claude stood there a moment. Then soon followed after Sebastian. Claude reached the kitchen to find no one there and the dishes already clean. As he scanned the room there was a spoon sitting on the counter. In the corner of the room.

Claude rushed over to it and picking it up. When he turned back around to head towards the sink. Sebastian was standing right there. Sebastian quickly pinned Claude in the corner, pushing his body against Claude's. then placing a rough kiss on his lips.

This happened to quick Claude was caught by surprise. But couldn't fight anymore and gave in. Kissing Sebastian force full back causing him to smile. There kiss deepened. There tongues now sliding in each others mouth. Sebastian rubbed his hand down Claude's chest to the rim of his pants. Claude moaned knowing what Sebastian was about to do.

Sebastian smiled again and rubbed his hand over the bulge forming in Claude's pants. Sebastian rubbed his hand over it again. Sliding his hand up and down Claude's member. Claude moaned. Sebastian started doing it faster and harder jurking claude off through his pants. Claude's breathing got heavier. Claude was about to come. Sebastian noticed and let go of Claude's member and leaving the corner walking towards the kitchen door. Claude stood there shocked that Sebastian walked away. Claude was turned on. His member throbbing.

"That's for saying no to me before. Next time I won't be so nice" Sebastian said walking out of the kitchen.

Claude tried calming himself the best he can before leaving the kitchen. he had to after realizing how late had gotten. He has to put his master to bed.

Once he composed himself he walked out of the kitchen towards ceil's study. Knocking and entering the room seeing Alois sitting in a chair and ceil sitting behind his desk with Sebastian at his side.

Claude looked at Sebastian with a death glare and a look of revenge.

Sebastian noticed this and mouthed out "can't wait" with a small wink only him and Claude saw.

Claude then looked over at Alois who was half asleep in the chair he was sitting in.

"Your highness time for bed" Claude said walking over and picking him up.

Claude gave Sebastian one last glare before leavening.

------Claude's pov. ------

While carrying Alois to his room I was going over the list of things I could do to Sebastian for revenge. I could be more aggressive with him tonight. Or I can ignore him. Wait I know something even better.

I smiled a devilish grin as the thought came in my head.

-----authors note-------

Hoped you liked it.

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