Chapter 17

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Claude was mad. No scratch that Claude was pissed. He leaped across the table towards ceil. He didn't care about his soul. He didn't care about anything at this moment besides Sebastian.

Before Claude could wrap his arms around ceil's neck. Sebastian was holding him back.

"Let me go now!" Claude shouted shoving Sebastian back trying to reach for ceil who looked at Claude in shock and horror.

It was happening so fast ceil didn't know what to do. He was froze in his spot. Alois couldn't realize what was happening ether. Until Sebastian shoved Claude back hard causing him to fly across the room. He landed on his two feet but he was hurt. Not by pain from the throw. But pain from his heart. Realizing that Sebastian just threw him.

Sebastian didn't say anything he just stood there emotionless. There was nothing he could do he was under a sworn contract.

Claude growled towards ceil and them he looked at Sebastian and showed off his demon eyes and teeth. He was about to attack ceil and Sebastian knew it. Alois noticed too.

Quickly taking action he jumped up and stood in front of Claude.

"Claude don't" Alois said in a panic.

Claude didn't listen and charged. Sebastian stood in front of ceil prepared. He didn't want to fight him. It's killing him as much as it's killing Claude.

"Claude I order you to stop!" Alois shouted loudly.

Claude stopped mid air and landed on the table. On a plate of scones. Which caused them to go flying towards ceil. Tray and all. Sebastian grabbed the tray and the scones before they can hit him.

"Leave my mansion now!" ceil shouted.

Everyone was silent.

Alois nodded his head after a moment and turned walking towards the door.

"Let's go Claude we have a lot to discuss"

Claude listened following him. They left the mansion and headed home.

~ ~ ~

"Mr. Sebastian I messed up again I have" my-rin came in crying.

She Stopped and looked at Sebastian who was emotionless and staring at the floor then ceil who's face was pale.

"Oh I came in at bad time, yes I have. I will get finny to help me" she slowly backed away then took off out of the dinning room.

Sebastian looked back at ceil.

"Young master I wish to speak to you about Claude and I"Sebastian said clear.

"What?" Ceil respond questioning what he just said.

"You heard me clear. I said that we are going to discuss about me and Claude"

"What is there to discuss? I said its

Forbidden and what I say goes."

"What you said doesn't matter"

"What did you just say?"

"I said what you say doesn't matter. You should really get your hearing checked" Sebastian said this turning around and standing inches away from ceil.

"It does matter as long as I have this seal" ceil said getting up in to Sebastian face.

Sebastian grabbed ahold of ceil by the face. Inches from his face. Sebastian's anger was taking over. But he knew he couldn't hurt him.

Sebastian red cat like eyes glowing and sharp teeth pointing out as he spoke.

"Listen you little brat. I'm a demon that has studied humans for decades. I know your every weakness and I have the strength to snap you in half with one finger in less then a blink of a eye. So you are going to sit down eat your little sweets and we are going to have a conversation about that order you made" with that Sebastian swung a chair around from the table pushing ceil into and and shoved it back underneath the table.

Ceil was wordless. He didn't know what to say besides nod and look away from Sebastian's gaze.

"Good I'm glad we have it figured out. Wait here while I go get your desserts"

With that Sebastian bowed and left heading towards the kitchen.

-authors note-

Woo! Chapter 17!!

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