Chapter 9 (jealosey)

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"Hannah!!!!" Alois shouted aggressively.

Ciel still scrunched up his face he hated Alois's voice.

"You wanted me" Hannah answered peaking in through the study door.

"Yes, me and ciel changed the plan a little bit. we decided to do a step by step process." Alois said looking at Hannah with a sma.ll smirk.

"If you don't mind me asking what's step one?"



Sebastian and Claude walked around the kitchen finishing up the young lords snacks and tea placing them on carts. Every now and again they will glance at each other and smile or make some sexual face. maybe even exchange small words that makes the other one blush and want each other.

Sebastian grabbed ahold of the cart pushing it out of the kitchen Claude doing the same behind him.

As they headed down the hall way towards ciel's study. Sebastian looked back at Claude who quickly looked away.

"Stop watching me Claude " Sebastian said with a small smirk.

"I'm not watching you! your so full of yourself" Claude yelled defending himself.

"Well come on I'm a handsome demon butler who gets what he wants, and keeps it all to himself" Sebastian chuckled a little by his own remark.

Claude didn't respond knowing that he was right.

They soon reach the study door and Sebastian knocked. Hannah opened it about to walk out. Sebastian gave her a glare along with Claude.

"Hannah?" you heard Alois say from inside.

She stopped and turned around and looked at him.

" Bring the man ciel said to bring with no mistakes!" Alois groaned out.

Hannah bowed her head then left with a flash. Sebastian and Claude wheeled in the carts. setting tea cups and snacks in front of there master after saying what it was they where eating.

Ciel and Alois just stared at the two butlers as the stood next to each other waiting to be ordered to do something.

While Alois was starring at the two of them he was also in deep thought. " I hope Hannah brings back the right person! imagine what if they secretly where together! I must know!"

While Alois was thinking that ciel was also in deep thought.

"What if they are together? I don't know how I would officially react if it's true! I'm really curious in the matter"

The two of them finished eating and handed the butlers there plates and tea cups the two butler left to go take care of the dishes.

Suddenly the door to the study room slammed open and walked in the one and only grell sutcliff. the red headed reaper.Hannah walked in along side him.

Grell saw ciel and growled walking over to him slamming his hand on the desk ciel was sitting at. grell leaned in so his face was just inches from ciel's. Hannah quickly shut the study door.

"What did you want you little brat? I have things I need to do men I need to seduce" grell whined in anger.

Before ciel could answer. he looked at grell with wide eyes.

"This is him?" Alois said pointing at grell.

"Yes" ciel said back not loseing eyes contact with grell.

"He looks like a girl" Alois said looking grell up and down grell turned his head toward Alois. " I like him" Alois yelled with a smile.

Grell rolled his eyes.

"Sorry but I like older men that can take control"

"I can take control that's why I have a demon butler to do the work for me"

"Wait you have a demon butler too?" grell questioned.

"Yes, my lovely Claude" Alois said all proud.

"Him?!? why do you little brats get all the good guys. I want at least one for all mine!" grell whined.

Ciel groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Back to the real matter. I want you to seduce our butlers" ciel said with little emotion.

"What's in it for me?" grell leaned on ciel'a desk more.

"You are finally having permission to try and seduce to butler that you find really attractive and your asking what's in it for you?!" ciel snapped.

"Ok, ok fine I will do it"


Authors note:

I'm going to split this in to a two parter. since I posted this one tonight I will post part to tomorrow.

Any who I hope your liking the book so far and that you continue you reading. please vote and comment what you think if you want :).

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