Chapter 25

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Sebastian was taken back by this and he didn't know how to react at this moment. His mind was racing and a mixture of anger and love fallen over him. Claude did all this so they could be together forever. Sebastian ran his long gloved fingers through his shinning black hair causing it to go up then fall back down swiftly back into place.

With more thought about what to do and what to say Sebastian spoke.

"Claude..." He paused. "I need my master back"

"What do you mean you need your master back? This is your new master and I would recommend you call him highness" claude spoke a little hint of anger in his voice.

"Claude you dont understand I need master ciel back." Sebastian said in a soothing voice trying not to over do it and tick claude off further.

"No! You don't understand! I did this! All this for us!" Claude stated his voice getting louder with every word.

Sebastian knew he wasn't going to get through to him. Claude was love struck and he would do everything to stay with Sebastian. Sebastian loved that thought of claude obsessing over him but ceil was the major picture and always will be.

Sebastian looked down at the dark dirt coated ground then back up into the yellowish golden eyes of claude's. Claude's eyes slightly soften when Sebastian looked into them with his crimson ones. But you could tell that he tried to hide it.

" okay claude, I'll serve with you forever" Sebastian said this with slight hesitation but made sure claude knew he wasn't joking.

Claude let out a breath that he must have been holding in. Starting to walk towards Sebastian. He placed a small kiss on Sebastian's lips. Sebastian leaned forward from missing the contact of their lips. Claude soon pulled away and kept walking. Alois close to his chest in his tight grip.

"See you at home" claude said and with that disappeared.

Sebastian held ceils body closer to his.

"Im so sorry young master" Sebastian spoke.

He was disappointed in himself. Sebastian said he would protect him and made a deal to. He promised he would keep him safe from all harm. That was the contract and he had failed. Sebastian has never failed. Secretly he has always truly cared about ceil and he was about to stop now!

Standing up and heading back towards ceils manor landing in ceils bedroom slowly and gently laying ceils pail lifeless body on the bed. His face cold and pale. Sebastian felt upset and anger mixed with sadness swarmed him. Blackness cascaded from behind him as he thought of his failure.

Getting up and going over to ceils closet grabbed one of his night shirts which were just Sebastian's butler shirts. Ceil had always wanted to wear them but refused to admit that they were actually Sebastian's shirts. Taking off ceils clothes and placing the shirt over top of him and dressing him as if he was awake. After he was down he placed ceil under the covers and blew out the candle on the bed side.

He walked out of the room and down to the kitchen. He found all the servants in there talking and chattering with no idea what has happened. As soon as they seen Sebastian they quickly straightened up and looked as ready to answer his orders.

"I would like you guys to stay out of ceils room." Sebastian spoke with no feeling.

"But why? Is there something wrong with master ceil!" Finny spoke up instantly jumping into things causing himself to panic. "I would be very upset if something ever happened to young master" finny continued on as he instantly thought of what it would be if anything was to happen to ceil. Tears started streaming his face. Instantly Sebastian quickly stopped finny from taking it any further.

"Hes just doing extra work and doesn't want to be bothered. He decided to move to the bedroom for more comfort while he works" Sebastian spoke the lie as if it were the truth.

The servants bowed in understanding as may-rin comforted finny. Sebstian took his leave and made his way down the corridor and to the front of the mansion. Leaving without a sound to be heard. Heading his way to Alois's house he walked slowly with thoughts rushing through his head.

What was he to do and how was he to fix this. His thoughts were cut off by a branch snap. Quickly he turned in that direction and saw a cat by the branch rolling on the ground playing with it. Sebastian let out a sigh of relief and bent down picking up the midnight coated kitten. Sebastian continued down his path while petting soft the purring cat in his arms.

Finally reaching the manor he held the cat closer and welcomed himself into the giant mansion. Not putting the sleeping kitten in his arms down. As he entered claude was standing by a near by wall and looked directly as Sebastian with his piercing golden eyes.

"You and your cats" claude spoke with a small chuckle.

Sebastian just let out a small fake smile that could fool anyone. But claude saw right past it.

" whats wrong my love? Arent you happy we can finally be together?" Claude said with small sadness and confusion in his voice. Pushing off the wall flashing right in front of Sebastian. This was enough to startle the sleeping cat causing him to wake and fling out of Sebastian's arms.

Claude cared little about the now wondering cat and more on Sebastian.

"Claude we must discuss how i need to have my own master back." Sebastian said with a serious look in his eye.

Claude mood seemed to change completely childish. Like a love sick teenage girl.

"You belong to me and wether you like it or not you are mine"

"I belong to no one but my master"

Claudes mood seemed to switch back to his old self but with welling rage.

"Then I shall dispose of your masters body then you will be mine." With those words spoken claude vanished leaving not even a trace.

Sebastian quickly went after him. Running throughout the woods looking for claude. Seeing a flash of gold from his eyes Sebastian launched himself at him grabbing on to his coat throwing him hard to the ground from the air then landing directly over top of him pinning him down.

"Claude please dont make me kill you!" Sebastian yelled trying to get through to him.

"If i cant have you then nobody can" claude said in a loud angered voice. Quickly he took one of his knives and gabbed it into Sebastian's side causing Sebastian to fling back from surprise.

Sebastian looked down at the wounded then yanked the knife out with little to no pain and looked back to were claude was laying. He was gone and Sebastian knows he has to catch him fast. His body instantly healing he took off towards his masters manor.

Jumping through ceil's window he saw claude standing besides ceils bed with ahold on each side of the ready to rip is body apart with little effort. Sebastian took action fast and yanked ceil from his hands then kicking him through the wall to the outside of the manor. Sebastian laid ceil back on the bed gently.

"Dont worry master i will fix what i have done" and with that said Sebastian flung himself towards claude ready for the battle about to come.

The love of demons ( Claude x Sebastian )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora