Chapter 16

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Sebastian pulled bak the curtains in Ceil's room.

"Young master it's time to get up and ready for the day" Sebastian said smoothly.

Ceil stretched and looked up at Sebastian who was pulling back the blankets. After pulling back the blankets he walked over to the closet grabbing ceils clothes and bringing them back over by the bed.

Ceil was just staring with a straight face. he wanted to ask Sebastian what was really going on between Claude and him. but he didn't want Sebastian to know that he knew. He just gave up and gave in.

"Sebastian?" ceil asked looking at the floor then straighten up.

"Yes my lord?"

"Where were you last night?"

As soon as the words slipped ceils lips Sebastian froze. thinking to him self. Sebastian then relaxed and smiled slightly. taking ceil off the bed and stripping him of his clothes. dressing him for the day in his favorite blue outfit.

"I was out with Claude" Sebastian spoke.

Sebastian didn't care anymore. he would tell the master everything about them if he wanted to know. He didn't really have a choice.

" I thought you hated Claude" ceil said still having a straight face but with also had a hint of curiosity.

"Well I guess not then." Sebastian said standing up straight after getting ceil dressed.

"Just tell me already!!" ceil shouted out loudly. a little louder then what was attended.

Sebastian stood still for a moment. then walked towards the door. opening it standing half way out before he turned around and smirked towards ceil and said.

" Why?, i find it much funnier when you try to figure it out on your own." Sebastian then left leaving a angry and confused ceil standing there.


Alois was already sitting at the dining room table waiting for ceil before he starts eating breakfast. while Claude stood behind him.

Sebastian walked into the room which caused Claude to stiffen up. Alois didn't pay much attention to it.

"He will arrive momentarily. he's having troubles at the moment"

"No I'm not I'm fine." ceil said from behind Sebastian. Pushing him out the way and walking passed sitting at the table. he was angry. he gives up he wants to know and he wants to know now.

"I don't care anymore. Sebastian, Claude! Alois and I know your secret." ceil shouted standing up slamming his hands on the table.

Claude looked at Sebastian who was smirking and taping his pointer finger to his lips.

"What secret do you think that is?" Sebastian asked towards ceil.

"You know damn well which secret it is!"

"I don't know. I seem to be drawing a blank"

Ceil gritted his teeth with anger.

"Why won't you tell me?!" Ceil said.

"I will with the right question"

Ceil looked over at Alois who was sipping tea just watching it all. then he looked at Claude then back to Sebastian.

" I order you to tell me the relationship you have with Claude" ceil spoke loud and clear.

"Yes my lord. You might want to sit down its a long story"

Ceil didn't want to sit down but he did anyway. aloud couldn't help it anymore and took a bite of a scone that was on his plate. he was hungry.

"Well I was doing my daily duties around the house when I realized that.i was bored and needed more entertainment in my life. that's when Claude came in. with one simple smile that a gave him the day we fought. he was like putty in my hands. ever since then we have been in a relationship." Sebastian said it so easy like there was nothing to it like nothing would happen.

Ceil stared at Sebastian then Claude in disgust. Alois swallowed the bite he took of his scone hard making a loud noise.

"I for bid it" ceil said in a whisper.

"Excuse me?" Sebastian said listening closer.

Ceil looked Sebastian straight in the eyes.

"I forbid you and Claude to be together. even near each other. from here on out you are to forget about each others existence. That is a order. Do you understand?" ceil said it stern and forward. making his point across.

Sebastian felt a new feeling. he was heart broken. he wanted to leave then and there with Claude but there is nothing he could possible do it was a order from his master. he must obey.

Sebastian bent down on one knee placed a hand across his chest and said "yes, my lord"

-authors note-

Woo chapter 16. and over 9 thousand reads. :') I have happy tears. you guys made all this possible I didn't think my story was that good XD. love you guys. please continue reading, voting, and commenting of your thoughts on the whole thing.

Working on next chapter now ;)

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