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I walked in my house and locked the door. Samson began to bark at me and jump on me. I ached in pain as he jumped on me so I had to yell at him. He whimpered a bit and laid down on the floor. I stumbled upstairs and into the bathroom I went. I stripped out of my clothes and went right into the shower. I got someone the blood off of my face and stuff.

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I got out the shower and looked in the mirror. My eyes was forming a bruise and so was my face. My lil was swollen and my arm was weak. My nose was broken as well. I do not look good. I'll go get it checked tomorrow. I walked to my bed and decided to call Lyric. I know she won't answer, but it's a start.

I called her and it rang for six times and went to voicemail. I called her dads house and it did the same thing. I called Jay but I think she blocked me. I tried to call Monty, but he didn't pick up either.

I went through my voice messages and saw I had two un opened messages. I played the first one and it was Lyric.

"Hey, Cory. When you get this please call me. It's an emergency,"

This was a few days ago. There was another one recently from an unknown number. Looks like a hospital number.

"Hey, Cory. This is Keenan,"

Oh freak!

"I don't know if you're busy or not...but I just wanted you to know that I've had an epileptic episode. I haven't had one since I was 9. I had one the other day and this is my third official one. I don't know what's going on with me right now, but if you could please call Lyric back, I would appreciate it. I don't want you guys to tear apart. So please call her back. I love you, Cory. Thanks,"

By the time I got through with the message, a year dropped down my face. I can't leave Keenan like that. I just can't. He's getting real sick each day and I'd hate to not be there for him. I mean it's clear Keenan still wants me around. I just can't stop now.

I called Lyric three more times and left a voice message after each one. I am so sorry for everything I've done. I abandoned her when she needed me the most. I'm so stupid! I want another chance with her! I can't do this without her. I just can't do it.

I called her seven more times and left more voice messages. On the very last call, I left a voice message, but it was a bit different.

"Lyric...this is the last message I'm sending. Lyric...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be an asshole. I didn't mean to be a bitch. I didn't mean to be any of those things. Lyric, I'm sorry. I'm sorry to Keenan. I was just...I was stuck! I didn't know who to choose between. When I met Jay, she kind of latched onto me that made me want her. And yes, Lyric, I do like you. I love you...I was just scared to show it. I never had a girl be that into me before. I don't know why I didn't see it before. I don't know. I guess I wasn't as interested as I should have been. Jay came along and swooped me and up and she didn't have anything to do with any of my decisions. Please don't be mad at her. I loved every moment we had together. I'm sorry I didn't cherish those. I'm sorry for embarrassing you. I'm sorry for blocking you. I'm sorry for shutting you out of my life. I'm sorry to your family. I'm sorry for everything I did to you, especially Keenan. I'm sorry I wasn't there for him when he needed me. Lyric, please forgive me,"

Lyric, played the 10th voice message 100 times...the tears kept rolling down her face. She didn't know whether to forgive him or not. He literally shut them out of his life over a girl. She wasn't trying to be clingy, she was just scared of being alone again. The only other friend she had was out of town. Lyric and Cory's relationship grew strong and stronger by the day and she didn't want that to end.

With that being said, she hung up her phone and powered it off. She went on her alternate phone where the only app installed is TikTok. She scrolled through her FYP and still shed tears. She was also already into Des. Now she was stuck.

(I'm trying to get done with this story guys that's why I've been pushing chapters out left and right lol)

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