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Lyric was taking it really hard. Once Keenan passed, she instantly started going crazy. We had to pull her out if the room, keep her from falling, calm her down, and make sure she didn't go into shock. She was hyperventilating and all. She took it the hardest because her and Keenan were extremely close like no other. I notified Jay of what had happened and she was so sad. My parents were sad too. Everyone was taking it hard because Keenan was just a kid and didn't deserve this life.


Keenan's funeral was in 10 minutes. I wasn't ready to go inside. I couldn't see Keenan like this. It's like my world crashed when Keenan went lifeless. I'll never forget his reaction when I let him have my switch. He was the happiest kid on the planet.

"Cory?" June said.

"Yes sir?"

"You coming?"


"Come on,"

I walked into the building and signed my named inside the book. June followed behind me. I did not want to face the setting. All of his close family was in the front while all of the friends stayed in the back. June considered me family, so I got to sit in the third row. Lyric was nice enough to invite Tahjay as well and she came for support.

The theme was brown. Brown was Keenan's favorite color. I looked around to see everyone...it was almost packed with people. I didn't even see anyone Keenan's age that may have been a friend. I guess his family were his only friends, especially since he was homeschooled. Lyric was distraught. She didn't even wanna be here. She already lost her mom, now her brother.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Keenan Algee Grandberry. Keenan was loved, Keenan was a fighter and most importantly, Keenan was a valued human being. May we please welcome June Grandberry, Keenan's father, to the stand,"

June went up to the stand, prepared to say a few words. He took a look at Keenan's body and shook his head.

"My son was a loner...but one thing that he never let get to him was loneliness. He always found a way to entertain himself and make the most fun out of it. He loved playing on his game systems and such...he was an active child. I remember when he was first born...another precious moment in my life that I will never forget. He came out so healthy, so beautiful, so quiet because he didn't cry," he chuckled. "But years on down the line, he was diagnosed with leukemia and it broke me. I was scared and I didn't know what to do. But that didn't stop me from loving my child. Keenan was a smart and bright kid and he was always aware of something too. My son was ahead of his time, for real. Really he was. I remember Keenan painted a lot from the paint sets we used to buy him, and one day he ended up painting his whole room blue for absolutely no reason at all. He was like 7 and I came home and he was up laughing like nothing happened. I was mad that the walls was messed up, but he really thought he did something though. And later on he learned to draw and his drawing were amazing! He was so creative and talented. But once that cancer came in, he didn't really have many friends, we had to take him outta school, and things got depressing. But it wasn't until he was around Cory and that really brung not only my spirits up, but mine. Cory really let my friend experience what a real friend was. He treated my son no different than anyone else. He was there for my son, he even took him to see his favorite wrestlers. He talked about Cory everyday! Everyday! I just wanna take the time to thank Cory for being such a good friend to my son. He really needed it...let's all clap for Cory!" He said.

Everyone clapped for me and I felt so good knowing that I was able to bring joy to Keenan's life. I'm honored.

June got down from the stand and Dean got up to day a few words.

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