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December 23, 2022

Keenan has been sleep all day. He hasn't eaten, drunk anything, played on his games, or talked much. He's just been sleeping. He sleeps with the cross necklace on every night too. Dean and June was sitting watching television, Lyric was laying beside Keenan, and Des was outside sitting in the family area. Cory was out with his mom today shopping for Christmas.

"You think I should give her this?" I asked my mom.

"Sure, why not? It's beautiful just like she is,"

"Yes, I know. Or what about this?"

"Either one is fine, Cory. But I really like the first one,"

"Okay. I'm just really nervous,"

"Don't be nervous, just be cool. She'll love it. Women love nice things,"

"I'm just not sure of the color or size or—"

"Don't overthink it, Cory. Just be cool about it. A woman dot really ask for much anyway. They will treat a nice piece of jewelry like it's worth their life! Trust me, she will love it,"

"Thanks mom. I can always count on you for stuff like this,"

"How's the baby?"

"He's getting no better, mom..."

"How is the family?"

"Stressed and prepared for the worst,"

"I feel so sorry for them. This is why it's important to cherish the people around you. Baby didn't deserve this life,"

"Yes, I know mama,"

"You going up there again today?"

"Of course I am. Lyric said she'll text me when something happens, but I wanna be up there before then,"

"Okay. Well, this is all I needed. I got what I wanted so we can go now,"


I packed everything up in the trunk and we were on our way to my mom's house to drop her off.

"I think I messed up," Des said.

"What happened?" Mark asked.

"I haven't spoken to Lyric in two days. Well...she's been ignoring me. I asked about her and Cory's relationship and asked her if the feelings came back. She was upset because of the timing I asked,"

"Nigga, I'd be upset too. Why would you ask at a time like this?"

"I don't know man. I guess I was too eager to even know. I just had to know,"

"But it's not even the time to be mad at someone though. When are we all gonna learn to just love?" Jasper asked.

"And care for one another," Mark said.

"I've been texting her though even though she doesn't respond. Showing that I still care,"

"I mean...what did he say?" Mark asked.

"She said no,"

"Okay so you should be good. I know you wanted to know, but there's a time and a place, Des,"

"You're right. I should have never even asked that,"

"At least she's all about you. You and Cory talking again?" Jasper asked.

"Not really. The only thing we'll say is hi and bye. That's it,"


"Every since we fought, things have been awkward,"

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