Ch. 29- Taste the Strike of The Viper

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As we approached the table, Maria rose with effortless grace. The evening sky held onto the last hints of daylight, casting a serene glow over the scene. The air was perfumed with the scent of roses mingling with tantalizing aromas of food.

In her hand, Maria held a champagne glass, lifting it with finesse, the soft clink against her butter knife drawing everyone's focus. Rhys squeezed my hand firmly, his aura of authority palpable. He looked different, transformed into a man unlike any I'd seen before. Dressed in his signature black business attire, sans tie, his coat featured intricate silvery thread embroidery, forming a striking V-shape across his chest, hinting at enigmatic tribal symbolism.

His piercing Prussian blue eyes held a captivating mix of danger and mischief.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a guest," Maria declared, commanding attention. Initially, all eyes were on her, but soon they turned towards me, fixing their gaze upon us.

Among the sea of unfamiliar faces, I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place, like a fish out of water.

"Everyone, meet Dr. Kay," Maria announced with a wide smile, her enthusiasm infectious. I let out a small sigh, returning the smile to the gathering before me.

Yet, the subtle expressions of disdain on the faces of those unfamiliar with me didn't escape my notice.

"Kay, this is Rhys's extended family. Let me introduce you to Rya," Maria continued, directing my attention to a sophisticated brunette woman in her late sixties, who seemed distinctly uninterested in our meeting.

"And here we have Rya's husband, Frank. He happens to be the owner of Bin Maktoum oil refinery, the largest in Asia," Maria added, connecting me with a man who bore a vague resemblance to a Swiss gentleman but possessed more Middle Eastern features. I offered a courteous smile, which he returned with a feigned one and a slight nod.

Maria proceeded, "And last but not least, meet Rita, Royce, and Rita's younger sister."

Rita, another brunette, had piercing blue eyes like Rhys, and her unmistakable disapproval was evident. 

Undeterred, I plastered on the most expansive grin I could ever muster.

Maria continued her introductions, gesturing towards a man named Albert, Rita's husband and the owner of Citadel Bank. He appeared to be of either Japanese or Chinese origin. It felt surreal to be seated alongside the chairman of the very bank where I had opened my first account almost 13 years ago.

Moving on, Maria said, "Lastly, we have Rhys's cousin, Fred, the son of Rya and Frank. He currently works directly with the Ambanis at Reliance Group and will soon be joining us at Volkner..."

Fred, a man in his early thirties, didn't beat around the bush, interrupting with, "Why the heck would I join you when there are opportunities everywhere?" Rhys tightened his grip on my hand, clearly upset by the exchange.

Tension simmered between them, palpable in the air.

To diffuse the situation, Maria cleared her throat, and Ralf, recognizing the awkwardness, politely interjected, "Please, take your seats. The food is getting cold."

Rhys promptly pulled out a chair for me, allowing me to take my place, and then seated himself beside me, still holding my hand.

"Hey there, Kaya! I'm Emilie, and this is my brother Emil. We're twins. It's awesome to meet you!" a bubbly brunette girl exclaimed, nodding towards a boy standing beside her. They seemed to be around 16 or 17 years old.

"These are my other two kids," Frank explained, as Rya continued to regard me with evident disdain.

"Kay, meet Jess, Rita's daughter," Maria introduced, pointing to a girl about my age. Jess didn't even try to fake a smile, so I responded with an even warmer smile of my own.

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