Ch. 42- Run Maria!

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AHAM backtracked on their claims of being on the frontline with their attacks.

It had been six days since the attack occurred. For the last six days, I have spent almost every second in my hospital. It was my decision to take 24-hour rotations to deal with the patients.

A few doctors and I were having dinner at the cafeteria, and the TV was on. BBC showed that AHAM declared that their people had no involvement in the terrorist attack.

Food almost fell from my mouth as I watched the news.

"What does your powerful boyfriend say about the attack?" Brett asked me with a mocking tone, sitting in front of me. Rhys didn't let me go anywhere without his men, so now everyone knew that I was dating a guy who was so powerful that he had provided me with gunmen, and a government hospital had allowed them to roam around me freely. Thanks to God, the men Rhys had chosen were ex-EMTs, familiar with healthcare environments.

Rhys nagging made me uncomfortable around people. Now everyone maintained some distance from me, except for Anita and Suzy. Though none of us recovered from the initial shocks, we could not brush off our traumas that easily.

Nobody had any idea whom I was dating; I hadn't given anyone a name. Nor had I disclosed the extent of Volkner's powers. But everyone was aware that, because of me, we were not being investigated by the police about our victim management.

But then, after the news, I started to second-guess what had actually happened that night. Brett decided to nag me again,

"Ask your boyfriend, Kay."

Anita saw Brett being an asshole with me, so she came rushing.

"Just leave her the fuck alone," she sneered at him.

Brett left my table, and Anita sat down in his empty chair. We discussed a patient that I had treated that night with 70% burns; he had developed sepsis. We decided to involve Dr. Nicole, who was the head of the Burn and Plastic Surgery unit.

As we walked to her office, we saw men in uniforms seated outside Nicole's chamber.

Anita and I exchanged confused glances, but we didn't have to wait for long. We were told to meet Nicole at the mortuary. I was irritated to hear this. Out of everything in this world, I hate being anywhere near mortuaries.

When we stepped into the basement where the mortuary was, I was perplexed to see John standing in front of its glass doors. Before I could ask him anything, he stopped me and lowered his head around my neck to whisper in my ear.

"The director general of MI5 is inside. If he asks you anything about Rhys, act normal. Don't let anyone know that Rhys talks about his work with you."

My stomach churned with John's warning. Was it a mistake to go down to the mortuary? Anita didn't bother with John's presence and took me inside, emphasizing the urgency of treating our patient with kidney failure due to severe burns.

My heart dropped at the sight of the mortuary, filled to the brim with people. Shockingly, the director of NHS herself was among the crowd. Anita began searching for Nicole, but upon seeing me, Nicole whispered something to the NHS director, who, in turn, shared words with a distinguished-looking man in his late 60s.

Without hesitation, the man stepped forward, extending his hand to me.

"Good day, Ma'am. I am Lord William Jefferson, Director General of the Defense Security Service at His Majesty's office. It's an honor to meet you."

Anita was astonished at his identity and his humility.

"Nice to meet you too, Lord William," I replied. He smiled with utmost humility.

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