Chapter 5 - Anemo Archon

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Weeks Past
Katsu has been travelling nonstop for a long time. But one day, Katsu was in the open fields when he felt a strong wind coming straight to him. He turned around and saw a huge Dragon heading his way. Katsu immediately went to the tall grass, hiding. The Dragon landed in the fields, it roared continuously.

Out of nowhere, a light slowly fades in and reveals a mysterious person, walking slowly to the Dragon. "Don't be afraid... It's alright now, I'm back" the person says. Katsu was confused, when he tried to get more information, he suddenly heard a growl in the tall grass. He turns around and sees a Hilichurl, and in the blink of an eye, Katsu cuts off Hilichurl's head.

"Who's there?!" the person shouted while its dragon was alarmed. Katsu steps back and keeps hidden. The person steps back and fades while the Dragon flies away. Katsu comes out from hiding and watches the Dragon fly away.

Katsu sighs in relief and continues walking while he asks himself "I wonder who that person is, Was it talking to a Dragon?".

These question ran in his mind as he continued his journey
[To be continued...]

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