Chapter 7 - A Fractured Circle

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Months Past By
Katsu and The Knights became better friends and got to know each other better. The next day, they came across a huge mine.

Andrew: This seems to be abandoned.
Katsu: It is abandoned. Look at those tools and carts, it's all covered in rusts.
Andrew: Hm… Why did they let it go abandoned?
Jake: No clue, probably hilichurls.
Katsu: Well, it's best to stay alert.
Mike: Agree, those monsters could still be here, lurking around.
Katsu: Be aware.

They continued walking. As they went deeper into the huge mine, they found an elevator that seemed to be broken. "Let's search for some tools to repair that elevator", they all nodded and scattered around to search for some tools. Few minutes later, they all gathered their found tools and repaired the elevator. Once the elevator was repaired, they all hopped on and Katsu hoisted them all up.

They went higher and higher until they could finally see the top of the mountain. They're excitement was interrupted when they felt a strong earthquake. Alarmed, they took out their weapons, preparing to fight. They expected a hilichurl but turned out to be a dragon. Katsu was surprised it was the same dragon he saw from months ago

The dragon roared and attacked them. The elevator slowly started to break. They wasted no time attacking the dragon's hands from the elevator. The hoist and chain are about to break, Katsu then ran towards the dragon and stabbed it's neck. The dragon roars in pain and flies away. They all sighed in relief as they all got to the top of the mountain, safely.

They were in awe from the massive view. Jake points to a village.

Jake: Look! Look! A village!
Andrew: Oh, a village!
Katsu: Well, let's go there and get some rest.
Mike: Agree!

They all make their way down the mountain and head to the village. They entered a village and saw a lot of joyful people. They were surprised that they were greeted by the villagers. They stayed at an inn and rested.

Mike: The villagers here are so kind!
Andrew: Yeah! I wonder if they also greet the other travellers like ours.
Katsu: They probably do.
Jake: Yeah!
Katsu: Well, let's all get some sleep.

They all then went to sleep.

Hours Later, Midnight
Katsu woke up from his deep slumber and found himself tied up along with Andrew, Mike, and Jake. He looks around and finds the same villagers, wearing robes. The others also woke up and were shocked to find themselves in a castle. The villagers were alarmed, they were going about to knock them all out again when someone stopped them. They stopped and stood aside.

The atmosphere began to heat up as the footsteps got louder.

Mike: No way…
Jake: No…!
Katsu: Who… are you?
Stranger: Who am I? How disappointing.
Andrew: Katsu, it's… it's a…
Stranger: Don't be shy, tell him who i am!
Andrew: Katsu, his… his a Pyro Archon.
Pyro Archon: The Knight was right!
Pyro Archon: Hm, that's disrespectful.

The Pyro Archon took out his sword and sliced Mike's head off. They were all shocked. The Pyro Archon laughed and slowly walked back to his throne. Filled with grief and anger, they break free and kill all the villagers. The Pyro Archon smirked and turned around, waiting for them to attack him.

Andrew immediately attacked The Pyro Archon but was burnt alive. Katsu and Jake yell in anger and attack The Pyro Archon. They attacked him aggressively, successfully attacking The Pyro Archon. This made The Pyro Archon very furious, he then exploded, blowing Katsu and Jake away, causing a huge burn on their skin.

The Pyro Archon attempts to kill Katsu but Jake jumps in front of him, saving Katsu from the fire beam. Katsu yelled "NO!!!" as Jake slowly burnt to ashes. The Pyro Archon starts to bleed out. He stopped from firing, giving Katsu a chance to attack The Pyro God.

Katsu dashes towards The Pyro Archon and finishes him. The Pyro Archon fell to the floor, bleeding out. Katsu throws his katana away, he cracks his knuckles and starts beating The Pyro Archon until it is bashed into the floor. Katsu slowly walks away when a beam fires at the sky. Katsu immediately turns around, preparing to attack. The Pyro Archon's corpse levitates into the air and fires a powerful beam at Katsu.

Katsu was blown away and slammed against the wall. He expected everything would be over but it turned out he survived. Katsu gets back on his feet and notices his hands are on fire. The fire slowly dies out.

Katsu slowly turns to his friends. Katsu frowned sadly and gathered them together. Katsu looks at his hand that lights up in flames, he looks back at his friends. Katsu burns the village, leaving his friends inside the castle. Katsu leaves the village and watches the castle burn in the distance. Tears rolled down his eyes. Katsu turned around and continued his journey. Alone
[To be continued…]

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