Chapter 207

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With summer on the horizon, the urgency of the situation grew more pressing. It had already been two and a half years since Shirou ascended the throne as king, and Sir Ywain's earlier warning still weighed heavily on his mind.

He had stated that Camelot's defenses could last no more than three years. In essence, if they did not make any mistakes, Vortigern's forces would conquer Camelot within the next six months and launch a full-scale attack on the remaining territories.

As a result, Shirou had to take immediate action and reach out to other kings to secure vital food supplies and mobilize and allocate troops strategically. As for the people's livelihoods, Shirou started to introduce a new currency into the market gradually. However, this caused widespread panic among the populace, forcing him to reassure them and ensure that the purchasing power of the new currency remained stable while regulating its circulation.

This was an incredibly complex issue that required careful handling. If not adequately regulated, there was a high risk of problems such as inflation or deflation. If these issues became severe, they could lead directly to the collapse of the domestic economy.

Sadly, even the intelligent Guinevere was unable to handle the current economic situation, leaving Shirou no choice but to personally take charge of the matter.

Furthermore, Shirou had to take into consideration the impact of the ongoing Little Ice Age. While the cold weather presented challenges, it also provided opportunities for him to gradually penetrate various countries with grain and control their economies with grain-based systems.

However, he knew that once the Little Ice Age came to an end, the grain-based system would be highly vulnerable to collapse. As a result, he made it a priority to personally observe the weather conditions every day and stay vigilant for any signs of the Little Ice Age ending. Once such signs appeared, he would need to begin adjusting policies accordingly.

All of these pressures, combined with the daily burden of official paperwork related to people's livelihoods, projecting noble phantasms, and granting skills, as well as unexpected events such as Scathach coming to challenge him alone or Merlin going on strike, were simply overwhelming. Shirou felt suffocated under the weight of it all.

Despite this, he never once complained about the workload. He knew that if he did, it could easily cause laziness and a lack of motivation among those working under him.

Despite having locked Morgan in her residence, she had already passed on the method of projecting noble phantasms to other magi. This ensured that there were no problems with solidifying the noble phantasms, and everything continued to run smoothly.

Even on days when Shirou was exhausted and overwhelmed by his duties, he still made time to visit Morgan in her residence each day.

During their visits, neither Shirou nor Morgan spoke. They simply sat in the room, with Morgan crossing her legs and folding her arms while leaning her head to one side. The tension between them was palpable, and it seemed like they were giving each other the cold shoulder.

However, both of them knew that if one of them were to give in, the situation could be resolved.

When Shirou felt that their time was up, he would bid Morgan farewell with a simple "get some rest, sister," before turning and leaving the room.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Morgan gritted her teeth in frustration. She found the term "sister" incredibly grating and detested being addressed in such a manner.

The cold war between the king and Morgan had almost become common knowledge among the knights. It was difficult to keep such tensions hidden, especially since Morgan had been locked up in her residence by the king.

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