Chapter 298

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In the following days, Shirou meticulously combed through Fuyuki City and the Emiya household once again, but his efforts yielded no results.

He also discovered from Scathach that this information had been relayed to her by Merlin. Interestingly, ever since Shirou's return over a year ago, Merlin had never directly contacted him. Any communication or messages were always delivered through Scathach. While Shirou found this a little strange, he decided not to dwell on it too much.

But in order to address this matter, Shirou realized he needed to reach out to Merlin and ultimately contact Zelretch.

Reading between the lines had always been one of Shirou's skills, and he had developed a proactive approach to dealing with potential crises.

Rather than passively awaiting the arrival of a crisis, he preferred to take the initiative and nip it in the bud.

However, since this issue involved parallel worlds, he lacked the ability to directly interfere with them. So, he sought to contact Zelretch, who possessed extensive knowledge in this field.

Just because Merlin hadn't reached out to him didn't mean that Shirou had no means of contacting him.

The simplest method to get in touch with Merlin was to use "Clairvoyance EX."

Clairvoyance EX" was a must-have qualification to become a Grand Caster. What made it even more fascinating was that those who possessed this ability could sense each other's presence across different dimensions and times.

Take Shirou, for example. Once he activated his "Clairvoyance EX" and focused his attention, he found himself inexplicably connected to the perspectives of three other individuals. One was chilling in the ancient city of Uruk in Mesopotamia, another was dwelling in the ancient Kingdom of Israel, and the last one was tucked away in a secluded tower, far removed from the rest of the world.

Shirou could hear their conversations and witness their actions as if he were right there with them.

Right now, for instance, he caught a glimpse of a foul-mouthed, wise king munching on an apple and peering at some kind of tablet in Uruk. It seemed like he noticed Shirou watching him and even let out a chuckle.

And this was what they called the "Clairvoyance Chat Group."

But Shirou had an advantage over Merlin and the others - his "Clairvoyance EX" skill could be turned on and off at will. This meant that he had the freedom to enter and exit the Clairvoyance Chat Group whenever he pleased.

However, unless he had some free time on holidays, Shirou didn't usually participate in the Clairvoyance Chat Group. Every time he logged in, he would encounter people who seemed to enjoy picking fights with him and throwing insults his way.

Just like now—

"Oh? Didn't you go educate your subordinates today, you mongrel?" sneered Gilgamesh, the king of distant Uruk in the past. The people seated beside him, his subordinates, were no longer surprised; they knew that their king was talking to someone.

"Go do your chores, you shameful bastard!" Shirou shot back.

Just as Shirou could sense Merlin and the other two, these three individuals could also sense and observe him.

However, to those on the outside, this kind of observation and conversation across different dimensions and time would appear as if they were talking to thin air, making them seem completely insane.

Luckily, whether it was Gilgamesh's loyal subordinates, Scathach watching him, or those who had some awareness of "Clairvoyance EX" skill, they all remained unfazed.

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