Chapter 381

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A heaviness settled in her heart as she thought about the implications.

And at this moment, the blanket covering the three of them gently wriggled, as if someone was moving it with great caution.

The two girls who were conversing turned around, and four watery eyes fell upon Gray, who had carefully lifted the blanket.

"Um..." Gray timidly spoke up, shrinking her head back, "Uh, sorry. I... I couldn't hold it in, I need to go to the restroom. Did... did I disturb you?"

"Not at all," Illya and Miyu shook their heads.

"That's good to know," Gray sighed in relief. She still appeared troubled as she added, "Um, I'll lift the blanket again when I come back, so if I disturb you, I'm really sorry."

"Don't worry about it, pretty silver-haired onee-san," Illya said with a warm smile, "Right, Miyu?"

"Yes, please don't mind us, Gray."

"Th-thank you for understanding."

Gray let out a sigh of relief and quietly left the room.

Illya said with a hint of concern. "That silver-haired pretty onee-san always appears so cautious."

Miyu nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed, I've noticed that too."

But Miyu understood the feeling all too well. Even though she was a visitor from a parallel world and had no loved ones in this world, she already considered herself cautious enough. But Gray seemed even more careful and timid, as if she was constantly afraid of offending anyone.

After Gray left the room, she didn't actually head to the restroom. In truth, she wasn't in a hurry to use the bathroom, nor was she feeling sleepy.

She had ended up eavesdropping on Illya and Miyu's conversation. However, it wasn't intentional; she had merely been discreetly observing the King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon, who stood by the window, lost in thought as she gazed outside.

Due to her low self-esteem, Gray wasn't particularly adept at engaging in direct communication with others or being talkative. Instead, her favorite pastime was observing people from a distance.

During the reincarnation ritual when the King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon, pushed her away, allowing Gray to forge her own path in life, Gray found solace in secretly observing the very person who had given her existence a fresh purpose.

Through her discreet observations, she couldn't help but notice a peculiar aura around the King of Knights whenever she looked at the Eternal King. There seemed to be something special and significant between them.

Gray couldn't help but feel uncomfortable whenever she observed the interactions between them. It was as if pink bubbles were emerging from them, creating a tinkling sensation that made her avert her gaze.

However, her curiosity got the better of her when, after returning to the room, the King of Knights stood by the window in a seemingly dazed state. This piqued Gray's interest, prompting her to come up with an excuse to leave the room and secretly follow the King from a distance, carefully observing her every move.

To her surprise, after leaving the room, the King of Knights went straight into Ritsuka's room.

Gray couldn't help but wonder why Artoria went to the princess's room. In her mind, she referred to Ritsuka as "the Princess."

The reason behind this title was rooted in Artoria's connection to the Knights of the Round Table, and Gray's body having been used to resurrect King of Knights Artoria Pendragon. As the younger sister of the Eternal King, Ritsuka naturally earned the title of "Princess" from Artoria.

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