Chapter 365

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Zelretch shook his head, "If it were just that, I wouldn't be too concerned. I'd simply observe the civilization of that parallel world crumble from a distance. The issue is that my magic disrupted the boundary between that parallel world and ours!"

Shirou furrowed his brows...

"Do you understand the concept of parallel worlds, Eternal King?"

"In a broader sense, it refers to the multiple universes contained within the multiverse."

"You can think of it that way. But to be more precise, two parallel worlds are like the front and back sides of a blank piece of paper."

Zelretch picked up a blank sheet of paper and continued, "Let's imagine that this world we're in right now is the front side of the paper, while the parallel world of that girl is the back side. Whatever is drawn on the front side of this blank paper cannot cross over to the back side, and vice versa. The line that separates the front and back sides of this paper represents the boundary between parallel worlds."

Shirou furrowed his brow, "So, in this analogy, you're suggesting that your magic destroyed the line that separates the front and back sides of the paper, essentially connecting this world and the parallel world?"

Zelretch nodded gravely, "Originally, aside from the entities who attained the truth of the world, my magic was the sole means of freely traversing between parallel worlds. However, due to the rampage of my magic over 1,500 years ago, the boundary lines between the two worlds were shattered, creating a link between them. That's why the gods from that world can come to ours, and why that little girl can travel between the two worlds."

"I thought it was the Holy Grail..."

"No, the Holy Grail doesn't have that kind of power. Only my magic can truly mess with parallel worlds, aside from those entities, of course!"

He added, "Due to the rampage of my magic, a connection was formed between two parallel worlds, letting people from that world, even gods, to enter this world."

"An invasion from parallel worlds..." Shirou said, "But how does all of this connect to the 'resurgence of the Age of Gods' you mentioned earlier?"

"About 1,500 years ago, I accidentally destroyed the boundary that separated the two parallel worlds. Back then, this world was at the end of the Age of Gods, while the other world was still under the rule of the gods."

"Are you saying...!" Shirou's eyes widened in sudden realization.

He had a chilling suspicion.

"Exactly," Zelretch nodded and explained, "When the boundary lines were destroyed, it caused a breach that allowed the Age of Gods from that world to flow into ours! Therefore, the Age of Gods in their world came to an abrupt end, while our world, which had already concluded its Age of Gods, began showing signs of resurgence."

Shirou raised an important question, "But if over 1,500 years have passed in this world since the end of that war, wouldn't the Age of Gods have already resurged here? Why did the signs of resurgence only appear when I returned from that specific time point?"

"That's due to the gap in the boundary lines. I closely observed it, and initially, the gap was small. However, for some reason, it has now become enormous. The Age of Gods from that world is pouring into ours relentlessly, and even the gods themselves have started manifesting here. And based on this understanding, those gods from that world are undoubtedly..."

"Invaders!" Shirou rubbed his temples with a troubled expression.

At first, he figured that acquiring the Class Cards in Fuyuki City was just a minor event, but little did he know it was actually linked to the resurgence of the Age of Gods. He found that troublesome on its own, but what caught him completely off guard was the revelation that this incident was an invasion from parallel worlds!

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