Chapter 7

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~Even the Craziest Thought.~

   It hit me like a tone of breaks. The last part from my dream… I was looking at a man’s chest, slowly that man placed his fingers under my chin and raised my head. I looked at him as he was smiling to me.



    I was looking scared at the big screen. The man who was playing Loki… No, no, no, no, this can’t be true, there has to be a mistake! Loki… was… Tom… the guy I had met to the airport. The guy I had fallen in love with. The guy who took me and my son back home. “No, you are crazy… This. Is. Crazy!” I shouted to myself as I was trying to not panic. But something inside me, a small voice kept screaming scared of what I had just realized.

   I felt like I couldn’t breathe… The hall hadn’t enough air for me. I was… I-I-I was choking. I looked scared at Loki for one last time. He. Was. Him.

   Without any thinking I got up and walked towards the stairs, I went up them and threw my body on the door of the hall to open it. When I got out I looked like crazy to my both sides just to make sure that no one else was around. Then, I looked straight at the poster of THOR that the cinema had right in front of the hall. Tom… Tom… my eyes were pashing the names, Tom… Tom…Tom Hiddleston! My eyes opened wide as I was looking Loki and the name. Loki and the actors’ true name. I placed my back on the wall and slowly fell down.

   I thought that the guy I had met in the airport and I had a crush on was just another ordinary man. But now…? I looked scared around as I was feeling a knot coming up to my throat. I had met a famous guy. And… and he had the kindness to get me and my son to our house, he was so modest that he didn’t even told me his last name. Oh, my Goooooood! This is crazy! NO! More than crazy! This is insane! I have fallen in love with Tom Hiddleston, the guy that was playing Loki…

   I took a beep breath and tried to calm down myself. Well that is ordinary… I mean half of the women on the planet have a crush with a famous person. But I had actually met him, I…I-I was so close to him, I even stepped on him by accident! Oh, my God I had met Tom Hiddleston and he was standing so close to me!! I felt my fingers getting cold and my body shaking. I had just closed my eyes when I heard the door opening.

”Are you ok?” I heard Lina asking me scared that something might have happened to me. She came close to me and stood opposite me.

”I’m good…” I answered without looking at her.

”What the hell happened?” Lina demanded to know obviously furious.

”I don’t know how to say it…” I said as I placed my palms to cover my eyes.

”Well I know 2 languages, English and Greek. Choose one and tell me what got into you and you got off the movie like a lunatic.”

   I looked up to her and took a deep breath. She was worrying for me. My mind wasn’t thinking straight, it was very hard to speak in any language I knew but in the end I chose to talk to her in English:

”Remember yesterday when I told you that Henry and I took a taxi and got home?”


”I lied.” I said sharply as I took a moment to think what I should tell her next.

”And the truth is…?” She asked and crossed her hands on her chest.

”As we were waiting out of the airport a guy volunteered to take us home because there were no taxis around this time of the night.”

”Ok, cool! So where is the problem…?” Lina asked.

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