Chapter 22

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~I'll see you TOMorrow.~

   After hours of walking and talking we finally got out of Lina’s building. We stopped laughing and I looked up at the sky, slowly I turned my head and looked at him. He smiled to me.

”Well… here we are…” I said as he took his hand off my shoulders.

”I wish this night would never end…” Tom answered.

”You can come up if you want.” I informed him.

”I should probably get going. Tomorrow I have a charity event that I have to go…”

”Oh…” I said and looked down.

   Tom came closer to me and placed his hands around my waist.

”But it would be honour if you accept to come with me tomorrow.” He kindly asked me while he was steering into my eyes.

”You want me to come with you in that charity event?” I asked him surprised.

”I actually do. Have you ever gone to The Connaught?” He asked with that amazing British accent of his.

   I nodded my head in denial. Tom smiled, I’m sure that my answer caught him by surprise but he didn’t show it. Truth is, I felt a bit embarrassed that I had absolutely no idea about London. Everyone would expect that in those months I’m living here I would have visit many places. And I do! I learned the train and the busses, the subway, where my house is (so I wouldn’t get lost), what is close to my house, where Henry’s kindergarten is, where is Lina and Alex’s school, where the shop I work is… and I’m still try to learn how I go to the studio. If you are not from England those things are very difficult to learn. Trust me. And also… I’m a working mother, what do you expect? That I have time to travel around and see London’s attractions? Nope, I don’t think so…

”Don’t worry my dear, if you come with me tomorrow, there is where we’ll drink our tea.” Tom continued.

”I would love to come with you…” I answered after a while and looked into his beautiful green eyes.

”So how about I’ll come to pick you up, tomorrow at… 10?”

”Yeah!” I giggled. “Sure!” I answered to him since his words had calmed me down. He smiled, and his face turned out to be even more beautiful.

“It’s a date!”

”A date.” I smiled again as I placed my hands on his chest. “But… if you come and pick me up when we’ll get there… everyone will see us together…” I though out loud and I felt slowly nervousness poisoning the moment.

“So what?” Tom asked me and gave me a beautiful teeth-full smile.

”But there will be cameras and reporters… and-and-”

”Hey-hey-hey! Easy darling…” Tom stopped me from freaking out in the right moment and I looked up to him while he placed his hands on my shoulders. He gently smiled. ”If your problem are the media I can take care of that… I just want to spend as much time as it’s possible with you, that’s all.”

”Are you sure you want to do this?”

”Yes, absolutely yes.” He answered as his sexy English accent tickled my ears. I smiled to him.

”Then… I want that too.” I responded and we kissed for goodnight.

    A black Jeep pulled over the sidewalk. Tom looked back.

”Well, that’s my call to go.” He said and slowly walked away.

”I’ll miss you…” I told him and felt my heart icing.

A Great English Pudding (Tom-Hiddleston Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now