Chapter 37

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A/N: The songs that are in this chapter are: 1) Shout me all night long by AC/DC and 2) Amaranthine by Amaranthe.

~You are my Amarantine.~

   The sound of drums and electric guitar woke me up. I was lying naked in Tom’s bed and when I realized that I smiled and stretched. “Last night was amazing!!” I screamed in my head and changed position. I yawned and got up as from the living room I could hear very loud the music.

   I looked all around the room just to find where I had through my thong last night. When I found it I remembered that I had left my t-shirt in the living room. “Shit.” I thought and opened Tom’s closet. I took from inside a t-shirt to wear.

   I realized that the music from inside was AC/DC when I heard Angus Young’s voice singing out loud. “Hey, I know this song!” I smiled and walked in the living room.

”Tom?” I said but the music was much louder then me.

   By tiptoeing I walked in the kitchen and there I saw him, wearing only his black boxer and an apron, making breakfast and singing; while he was making his voice sounding almost like Angus.

”She Had The Sightless Eyes. Telling Me No Lies… Knockin' Me Out With Those American Thighs…”

    I started laughing but I placed my palm over my mouth so he didn’t hear me. Tom was holding the frying pan with one hand as he was mixing the scrambled eggs in the air. He left the pan in the kitchen’s eye and started shaking his body and his head like a heavy metal guy. He knew all the lyrics by heart and he was singing them out loud.

”My Mind Was Aching And We Were Making It And You - Shook Me AAAAAAAAll Niiiiiiiiiight Looooong!!” He sang and started playing his imaginary drums.

   I couldn’t resist from start my body dancing to the rhythm as I saw Tom cast his eyes on me. He smiled and took off his apron.

”Let me see you dancing darling!” He shouted so I could hear him over the loud music and walked towards me.

   He placed his warm body close to me while we kept swaying and he leaned his head to kiss me. His kiss was full of passion and love and from happiness I placed my arms around his neck when his hand was slowly moving down to my tights.

”Shooooook meee aaaaall niiiiiiight looooong!!” Tom sang out loud as I was laughing and then I heard him laughing along with me. “Shit the eggs!” He said and left me as he run to the eggs when the song ended.

   We both saw that the eggs had turned a bit browner than usual and I giggled before I kiss him on his back and whisper to his ear:

”Don’t worry baby I like my eggs a bit black.”

”Ehehehehe!” I heard Tom laughing as he covered his eyes embarrassed. “How about I make something else?” He said after a kiss.

”If you promise not to burn down your apartment…” I teased him and he laughed.

   He pressed his lips against mine and smiled when I walked out of the kitchen. I sat on the couch in his living room and opened the TV. I wasn’t in a mood for news so I changed the channels into something happier.

   UK’S MTV was playing a new video clip from a band called Amaranthe, I knew that song by heart but I had never seen the video clip. I was glad that it was just starting, so I raised the volume and started singing along with them.

”…So let us show the world our love is strong…” I was murmuring while I was remembering Tom.

   I felt this song perfect for us and I smiled while I continued singing. Music was so loud that I didn’t noticed when Tom walked into the living room.

”Do you know this song?” I asked him after he sat by my side on the couch and left the dishes on the coffee table.

”Not all of it…” He answered with a charming smile on his face and raised more the volume. “Actually I was practicing one part of this song for a long time.” He continued and gave me a mischievous smile.

    I turned a bit down the volume so I could hear him clearly.

”What do you mean by practicing?” I asked as I was moving my head to the rhythm of the song.

”I noticed what type of music you like to listen so…” Tom said guilty and looked at the TV.

    I stood close to him wondering what he was talking about. The drums and the guitars started playing and I know what part of the song was following, but I also knew that Tom wasn’t very much into shouting in songs; so as I was ready to turn the volume more down Tom stopped me.

”I hope I’ll get it right…” He told me and raised the music so I could hear both him and the band.

   Tom sat better on the edge of his sit, with his legs wide open as usual and moved his head in the rhythm and suddenly:

”It's a striiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifeee!!!!” Tom shouted like a professional vocalist, along with Andrea Solveström. “But the shimmer in your eyes just makes me knoooooow!! You're my a-ma-ra-nthiiiii-ne!!!” He continued and then started coughing.

    I kept looking at him amazed, I had no idea he could stretch his voice so much and sound like a real rock star.

”OH MY GOD!!!!!” I cheered excited and fell on him while he kept coughing.

”I’m sorry darling I did my best…” He claimed and swallow as he was trying to clam down.

”Are you kidding me?!” I said and kissed his lips.

”You liked it?” Tom asked me surprised while he was placing his hands around my waist.

”I loved it!” I answered right away. Tom looked into my eyes and gave me a sweet, charming, teeth-full smile. “Also… Men shouting like this are really turning me on…” I said after a while and rubbed sexually my body on his.

”Well… let me take care of this then…” Tom answered with husky voice and slowly turned and laid me on the couch as he came on top of me. I rapped my hands around his neck, while I was giggling and opened my lips for his deep kiss.

    When I opened my eyes I looked around the room, the sun that was setting down had made the shadows of everything in the house growing slowly. We were still in his living room, lying on his couch. I felt Tom’s lips kissing softly my arm. I turned a bit my head to look at him. He smiled to me when I saw his beautiful green eyes sparkling.

”I’m happy…” I mumbled to him and he leaned his head closer to mine. “I’m very happy Tom…” I continued as I turned my body over to look at him.

”Then I’m happy too…” Tom answered and caressed my cheek with his long, cold fingers.

   I looked in his eyes for one last time and then down as I buried my head in his chest and felt him hugging me tight.

“What is wrong baby?” He whispered to me.

”It’s just that I’m afraid.” I answered without looking at him. 

”Afraid? Of what?” He asked when he leaned his head down, close to mine.

”Of loosing you…” I mumbled and slowly I raised my head to look at him.

”You are never going to loose me Alice.” Tom said and kissed my nose.

”You are saying that now… but…”

”Can’t you see my love? I am yours. All that I am belongs to you.” He said and I noticed that he didn’t skip to look into my eyes for a second. He was telling me the truth. I smiled when I heard those words coming out of his mouth.

”Is it possible to love you so much?” I wondered out loud and kissed his perfect lips.

   Tom didn’t answered, he just hugged me tighter and kept us there for hours. Not talking, not laughing, not kissing, just breathing and enjoying the silence… together.

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