Chapter 14

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~Who’s the Fangirl now?~

   The chefs brought to my bench the breakfast pans. They opened them for me as we started talking. Pan cakes with strawberry sauce, fruit salad, cakes with chocolate, eggs and sausages, muffins baked with ham, cheese and cherry tomatoes.
   The smells from the foods made me feel a bit better. I placed in my paper glass a thump of orange juice and drank it. I didn’t have to worry any more, Tom knew everything he wanted. I didn’t have something to hide from him.. The secret was out and I was finally free. If he really wanted to be with me, now was the time.
    Cast and crew came to my bench and my work started. I placed a fake smile on my face and I started talking with them whileI was helping them choose what they wanted for breakfast. Everyone came to take something to eat before the shootings, except him.
“Good morning people!” Helen said to them with a huge smile on her face. The crew responded to her. “Is everything alright here?” She asked them to check that they didn’t have any problem with my attitude or my work. I was so proud for all the good words they said.
   I kept doing my job as Helen stood by my side and talked to me. 
”Today they are going to shoot some inside scenes. So I need you to be in there with some other chefs and keep the waters ok?” 
”Yes, of course Helen.”
”Ok, I’ll inform you from your walkie talkie when I need you in.” She said and walked away. 
    Many people from the cast were eating and that gave me the chance to open a new pan of fruit salad, that the chefs had left me, and place it over the old one. I also placed in the coffee machine more coffee to start making and brought out some new bottles of water. I was checking if I had enough paper glasses when I heard:
”Mooooooommyyyyyyy!!!!!” I turned my head to the right and saw Alex with Henry on his shoulders.
   My mood turned from bad to great when I saw my son’s face. I smiled and run to them. 
”Hey you guys!” I said as I was taking Henry off Alex’s shoulders and into my arms. 
   Henry gave me a hug and a quick kiss on my lips. 
”So this is where mommy works…” Alex said to us, placed his hands on his torch and looked around.
   I placed Henry down and laughed with Alex. 
”Why aren’t you in school mister?” I asked Henry while I was holding him by the hand and looked at them in turns...
”Our teacher is sick!!” Henry said and with a big smile on his face he started jumping up and down. I looked at Alex for explanations.
”Look Alice, I know that I should have got Henry back home and make him solve mathematic problems and feed him only bread and water ‘till you come home…” He looked at me and saw that I was smiling.
”But it’s such a nice day and we thought to come see you for a bit and then go to the LunaPark.” Alex continued as he looked at me and I saw Henry doing the same. 
”Please mommy...!! Please can we go?” Henry begged me while he was doing again puppy eyes.
   I kneeled before him and placed my hands on his shoulders as I was caressing him. I looked into his eyes and I saw nothing else but love. That feeling warmed up my heart and helped me get all the power I needed to go on. 
”Le mela amin, Marcaunon?” (Do you love me Henry?) I asked him by whispering.
”En’ rant atara!” (Of course mommy!) He answered without any second thoughts.
   Since the time that Henry had started talking I had helped him learn Elvish, it was our secret code to communicate if we didn’t want others to understand us. And because Henry was still a little child his brain was like a sponge, he was absorbing knowledge.
  I smiled to him and hugged him tight as he hugged me back. I raised my eyes to see what Alex was looking at. He was looking at us with mouth wide open. 
”Why are you looking us like this?” I asked him and started making Henry’s Mohawk. 
”Y-y-you just talked Tolkien’s Elvish and little Henry responded!” Alex spooked mesmerized.
   I looked at Henry, he was smiling and looking at me, I chuckled and closed my one eye meaningfully to him.
”Well yes!” I answered to Alex and I stood up. 
”Ok… this is just too much…” Alex said as he started acting like a diva and covered his eyes with one palm. Henry and I laughed with him. 
”Hey Alice do you…” I heard Timothy’s voice and turned my head to look at him.
“Hey Timothy come here.” I invited him but suddenly I felt Henry letting go of my hand and running behind Alex’s legs.
   Timothy came close to us and Alex smiled to him.
”Hey.” They both said.
”Here is my friend Alex and my son Henry.” I introduced them to Timothy. “And boys, this is Timothy he is also a chef.” I said and looked at Alex. 
”Nice to meet you guys.” Timothy said and Alex nodded his head. 
  I looked at Henry. He wasn’t daring come in front and talk to Timothy, and that made me feel sad. 
”Holly Odin of guacamole!” I heard Alex yelling and turned to look were he was looking. 
   He saw Tom. I blushed, once again and looked back at Alex.
”I-I-I-I-It’s him! L-L-Loki Laufeyson!!” Alex trembled as I started laughing out loud. “Why? Why didn’t you tell me earlier that you work with him?” Alex asked me and made his voice sounding funny. 
”Because I was afraid of this…” I answered while I was trying to keep my laughter down. I looked down at his legs and noticed that Henry wasn’t there and like this my laugh stopped. 
   I looked around as I felt a hand claching my leaver and my stomach turning to little knots. “Where is Henry?!” I asked myself and looked at Alex. He saw how upset I was and looked down, then he looked back at me scared.
”Henry!!” I shouted terrified and walked to see if I could spot him. 
   I turned my head to Tom and saw him kneeled before my son. They were talking. As fast as I could I run to them and hugged Henry. 
”Don’t you ever leave like this! You hear me!?” I shouted as I hugged Henry tighter. 
”I’m sorry mommy if I scared you…” Henry said sad and hugged me back.
”You scared the Hell out of mommy…” I answered and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead and his lips. 
   I looked at Tom. 
”I… I’m sorry, I was just about to bring him back to you…” He said and I believe him without any thinking. 
”It’s ok.” I answered when I stood up.
”TEN MINUTES PEOPLE!” We all heard the director shouting.
“It was very nice to meet you Sir.” Henry said to Tom and I saw Tom laughing with that amazing sound his laugh was making.
”Well, Henry it was very nice to meet you too.” Tom replied gently to my boy. 
”Henry do you know that Tom’s role in this movie is about a guy named Henry as well?” I asked my son as I looked down to him. 
”Really?!” Henry asked and looked at Tom. 
”Oh, yes! And that Henry I play has an army and a horse!” Tom said and kneeled before my son once again. 
”A horse!” Henry said excited making Tom and me laughing. 
”Well Henry, I think we should leave; Mr. Hiddleston would probably want to get ready. Let’s go…” I said to my son and we turned to walk away. 
   Tom stood up and he was just about to tell us not to leave when we all heard:
”Tom Hiddleston born in 9th of February 1981! A great English actor. He trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, RADA. He played Loki in the 2011 Marvel Studios film Thor and returned to his role as Loki in The Avengers in 2012 and he is setting to reprise the character again in Thor: The Dark World in 2013!!! OH MY GOD IT’S YOU!” Alex was screaming excited and he run on Tom and hugged him tight. 
   Tom stood there looking at me scared and Henry started laughing. 
”Should I call the security?” Tom asked me while Alex was rubbing his face on Tom’s chest. 
”No, don’t worry he is harmless.” I said between my laughter. 
”Man, I can’t believe it’s you!” Alex said thrilled and took one step back to look at Tom.
”I, I don’t know what to say…” Tom answered as he looked at me and smiled. 
”Alex is a huge fan of Marvel’s and CD’s heroes…” I explained to Tom so he wouldn’t be frightened by Alex’s attitude. 
”I don’t what to freak you out Mr. Hiddleston but I’m freaking out!” Alex said and he smiled to him.
”Well… It’s nice to meet you Alex, I’m-”
”Loki!” Henry welded as he walked closer to Alex and Tom. 
”Well… I would say Tom but yeah…” Tom said and pushed back his hair.
”Tell us something…!” Alex whispered with creepy voice to him before he take Henry in his arms.
”What? No…! I-I can’t… I shouldn’t…” Tom said embarrassed and looked at me for help.
”Pleeeeaaaaseeeee Looookiiiiii!!” Henry begged Tom while Alex was placing him on his shoulders. 
   Tom looked up to Henry and then Alex and smiled. He was looking down, shaking his head embarrassed. Tom then looked at me, his eyes sparkled for a second and I smiled to him. “Do it…” I thought as I crossed my hands on my chest.
”Oh, my God, I feel so ashamed…” Tom said and laughed one last time. “Ok, here I go…” Tom looked down again for just a split of a second and then raised slowly his head to Alex and Henry. They both had silly smiles on their faces while they were waiting for Tom to talk.
I come with glad tidings of a world made free. Freedom... Freedom is life's great lie.Once you accept that, in your heart...” Tom was saying to them as his voice had turned to Loki’s. He walked up to Alex and Henry and placed his finger on Alex’s heart. will know peace.” Tom stopped playing Loki and looked into Alex’s eyes, that where looking at him hypnotized.
”Ehehehehe!!” Tom laughed as Alex blinked his eyes. 
”Wow man, that was awesome!” Alex said excited and Henry turned to look at me with a huge smile on his face. 
”Ok boys enough.” I said to them and almost drag Alex by his hand. 
”You rock hard Mr. Hiddleston!” Alex yelled to him as he turned back for one last time and gave Tom a thumps up.
”Bye guys!” Tom said and laughed. 
”OK PEOPLE TIME TO START!” We all heard the director shouting and I walked faster so we weren’t in the middle of the studio. 
”Drive carefully, eyes on the road and Henry baby, don’t over do it with the candy, oki?” I said to them and kissed Henry for one last time.
”Ok, mommy…” Henry answered when Alex interrupted him.
”I still can’t believe you work with Tom Hiddleston…” Alex said and took Henry by the hand.
”Well, you’ve got all day to process it.” I replied to him while I was checking Henry’s jacket to see if it was zipped up. 
”Well big mama he is the type of guy you deserve, not that Andodulin you brought me to meet…” Alex said to me as he was looking right into my eyes. (Andodulin means gate bird in Elvish and they are Elves slain enemies, it’s an insult to call someone that way.)
”Hey, don’t call him that...!” I claimed and bunched him on his arm. “Timothy is a good guy…”
”Fair enough, Timothy is a great guy but ho dolle na lost.” (his head is empty) Alex said to me when I looked back for a second to make sure that Timothy wasn’t around to hear us. 
”Trust me big mama, there is your Loki and you are his Loki Lady.”
”It’s much more complicated Alex…” I said as I touched my forehead and looked at him.
  Alex hugged me and then he took some steps back along with Henry. 
”I’m sure you will find a way.” He said and I saw them both walking away from me, out of the studio.

A Great English Pudding (Tom-Hiddleston Fan-Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang