Chapter 44

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"Growing up, Hiddleston and his sisters wrote and performed plays for their parents. “I was always the evil wizard,” he says. “I played this monster called Bunsen Bill. When my mum saw The Avengers, she leaned across and went, ‘This is just like Bunsen Bill. There’s no change in your performance.’" -Tom Hiddleston.


~The Bond Between Brother & Sister.~

                                         TOM’S POV:

   Alice was right. Shooting at night, in a castle without any hitting was something you had lived once and you never wanted to live again. I was in the car, the shootings had ended and Robert was driving me to Lina’s apartment.

”Ok baby, in about half hour I will probably be there…”

”Ok hon. See you soon.” Alice answered to me with her sweet voice from the other side of the phone.

”Love you…” We both said and hung up.

   I was just about to place the phone back in my Jean’s pocket when: Bbbrrrrrrrrrr… Bbbbrrrrrrrrrrr… Bbrrrrr-


”Hey!!! How is my little brother?”

   When I realised who had called me I couldn’t hide my happiness or my joy. Hearing my sister’s voice after so long was like I had just turned back time and went to the first time I had found and listened to my favourite song.

”Sarah!” I said surprised.

”How is my lovely Bunsen Bill?” My older sister asked and giggled.

”When are you going to let go of this nickname Sarah? Ehehehehe!!”

”Ok, ok, I’m sorry, from now on it will be Tom. Are you fine with that Bunsen?” Sarah teased me as I kept laughing embarrassed. 

”How are things in India?” I asked here after a while.

”Good, good. How about you baby brother? How are things in England?” 

”Everything is great.” I informed her.

”Great huh? Well aren’t you in a good mood!” Sarah pointed out. 

   I couldn’t hide myself from her.

”Yeah… actually things couldn’t go better for me.” I said when a smiled lighted up my face.

”OH MY GOD! LITTLE THOMAS HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!” Sarah shouted excited as I burst into laughter. ”Tell me! Tell me!”

”Well her name is Alice-”

”Thomas and Alice are sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!”

”Ok, that’s it! I’m not telling you anything.”

”You don’t have to tell me, I already know.” Sarah giggled again.

”What to you mean by: I already know?”

”Mother called me.”

”Oh shit.”

”Yeah… she didn’t say many good words about that girl of yours…”

”When did she called you?” I asked my sister as I felt combs in my stomach. 

”We just hung up, now she is calling Emma and I called you before she reaches you brother…” Sarah paused for a second. “She is not happy Tom… She says that this girl is trying to tear our family apart and that she is impolite...”

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