Chapter 36

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~A Night With Tom.~

   I looked once more myself in the bathroom’s mirror. Just to check if I didn’t have any lipstick on my teeth and to make sure that I had taken off my eyebrows. I still couldn’t believe how fast those few days had gone by and now Tom and I would be in a date again!

”You look very beautiful mommy.” Henry said to me and I turned to look at him. “You smell nice too.” He exclaimed and gave me an angel smile.

”Oh, thank you sweetie.” I told him and caressed his cheek. “So you are sure you don’t have a problem of me going with Tom to the cinema…”

”What you going to see?” Henry tested me.

”I think… an old French movie.”

”Have fun!” Henry answered and run out of the bathroom, leaving me behind laughing.

   Alex was coming towards the bathroom when little Henry opened door.

”Good choice big mama!” He said to me as I was walking to my bedroom.

”Are you sure this is not too much?” I asked him.

”Pretty sure.” Alex confirmed to me and stood by the door.

    I checked what I was wearing again in the mirror I had in my bedroom. Tight dark blue jean, black jacket, a simple grey t-shirt and my favourite, high heel, leather, black ankle boots. Those shoes were giving me a rock attitude that I was really enjoying. And even though it was our second date I was feeling more nervous than ever before!

   I looked at Alex from my mirror.

”Don’t worry big mama you are driving him already crazy.” He said and closed meaningfully his right eye.

”Ok, so put Henry to sleep not later than 10 o’clock. Don’t give him any chocolate so late because he will jump all around the place…” I was telling Alex while he was following me to the living room.

”Hey, hey don’t worry.” Alex said and kept me from my shoulders. “Try to have some fun with Loki. We’ll be alright.” I took a beep breath and let it go.

”Ok, I’ll come home before 9.” I answered to him.

”No, try to relax. It’s your date. I’m sure you and him want to go to his place. Do it! And don’t worry about little Henry, Lina and I got this under control.” Alex said and hugged me. I hugged him back. “I wish you have a great time big mama.” He told me and helped me put my leather jacket.

”Thank you for everything.” I said kindly to him and smiled. “Ok, guys I’m out!” I informed the family and walked towards Henry.

   He was jumping on the couch but when I came close to him he stopped and hugged me tight, I placed my arms around him and hugged him even tighter.

”I love you Henry.” I whispered in his ear. “If you need anything. Anything. Call me. Ok?”

”Oki mommy!” Henry answered and kissed me on my cheek. ”Bye Linaaaa!!!” I shouted as I looked in the kitchen.

”Bye hon! Have fun!” She answered back and I walked out off the apartment. 

  The door closed behind me and I placed my back on the cold wall. I took some deep breaths. Why was I even worrying? Why I couldn’t just relax and let go? “Maybe because after a long time you will be with a man in his bed?” Than inside voice pointed out. I blushed. “Come on Alice, you can’t hide from me…” The voice meaningfully said again. It was true. I bet that Tom is also a great lover in bed but what if I wasn’t? What if I suck in bed after all this time? What if this could ruin our relationship? “What if you are thinking about it TOO MUCH?!” I was right… I was right… I was thinking about it too much. One last deep breath and a look at the stairs. 

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