Chapter 34

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~Reciting Shakespeare.~

”ACTION!” The director said while me and the girls sat down.

    We where shooting the scene where the two characters had run away from the battle’s field but they saw each other and this is how the fight between them started.

”If I mistake not, thou art Harry Monmouth.”

“You make it sound as if I’d deny it.” I heard Tom saying.

“My name is Harry Percy.”

“Why, then I see. A very valiant rebel of the name. I am the Prince of Wales!!! And think not, Percy, to share with me in glory any more!!Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere.” Prince Henry yelled furious.

   Hearing Tom shouting his words was really something that made me drooling. He wasn’t anymore himself, he was the actual Prince Hal. I kept eating my chocolate when Tom attacked with his sword to the enemy. God, he was so sexy! Sweaty, out of breath, shouting, in that armour, holding a sward…

“Nor shall it, Harry, for the hour is come. To end the one of us, and would to God thy name in arms were now as great as mine.”

“I’ll make it greater ere I part from thee… And all the budding honors on thy crest. I’ll crop, to make a garland for my head!” Prince Henry replied.

“I can no longer brook thy vanities!”

    “THAT BASTARD!” I thought when Harry Percy wounded Hal to his leg and then punched him. But my baby got up after all. Still hurting he was trying to fight.

”Hey, may I sit?” I heard someone whispering and turned my eyes to see who was.

  It was him, Timothy. He saw me looking at him and I immediately turned to look at Tom. But I couldn’t stand being there. After all those cruel things he had said yesterday. After all this poison he had spited out for my relationship with Tom, I couldn’t stand being close to him. 

   My heart filled up with anger and I couldn’t anymore sit there. So I got up and walked away. I knew that Tom would find me, the only one I didn’t want to find me was Timothy. 

   I was still walking in the woods, not far away from where they were shooting. I was enjoying the silence and the cold, two things I had missed the most. I let my bag close to one tree and looked up as I closed my eyes.

”I’m sorry for yesterday…” I heard a voice and I opened wide my eyes. Slowly I turned my head and looked at where Timothy was standing. 

”Leave.” I told him and took some steps away. 

”I know that what I told you yesterday may have hurt you. But you need to listen to me Alice…” Timothy said as he walked closer to me. 

   I turned to look at him.

”I thought you were my friend Timothy! I’m sorry I just can’t and I don’t want to understand what happened yesterday!” I shouted to him just to make clear how furious I was with him. 

”So… you can’t handle the truth…” Timothy said.

”What?!” I turned and asked him offended. “How dare you, you little rat bastard?!” I yelled furiously. 

   I walked close to him and I was ready to hit him when he griped my hand. I tried to make him release it but he was holding it too tight… and he was squeezing it, not like Tom and I do to each other. Timothy was doing it because he was mad like he was trying to break my bones. 

”I dare because I’m the one who cares about you Alice! Not Tom not anyone! I!” He shouted out of control and pushed me back.

   I lost my balance and fell down. 

”FUCKING SON OF A BITCH LEAVE ME ALONE! You don’t care about me so walk away before I call the security!” I shouted as I got up. “In fact… I don’t think you care for anyone! And that’s because no one cares about you!” I continued so he could hear me clearly.

”Why you are so blind to see!? What did he done to you?” 

”Oh, we haven’t done anything yet, but when we will I’ll let him do to me everything you had ever dreamed of!”

”That bastard is poisoning you!!” Timothy shouted and he walked blind from madness towards me. I took a rock in my hand and I was ready to attack him, if he tried to hurt me. 

”HEY!” We both heard and Timothy stopped. 

”Tom!” I said happily and run to him. 

   I hugged him and turned to look at Timothy. 

”What is going on love?” Tom asked me.

”Nothing. Lets just go baby…” I said to him but he didn’t move.

”In a second.” Tom told me and walked towards Timothy. “You know… I knew from the beginning that it was you.” Tom said and looked with those killer eyes straight at Timothy.

”Let her go!” Timothy shouted to Tom. 

”Why are you looking for troubles boy? You know I don’t! But let me tell you something if you ever try to hurt in any way Alice I’ll kill you. You mewling quim!” Tom said sharply and spitted at Timothy’s feet as he was just standing there looking at him surprised. 

”Please baby lets go.” I begged Tom and while he was ready to turn back and walk towards me Timothy bunched him in his face.

   Tom fell on the ground almost knocked out. I stood there with eyes wide open, but in just a split of a second I had run to Tom. 

”Baby… baby… look at me… look at me.” I said to Tom while I was trying to make him hear my voice. Tom turned his head to a side and spitted out some blood.

”Son of a…” Tom snarled and kicked Timothy on his knees. We all heard a crack and I’m pretty sure that was from Timothy’s knee bones.

   Slowly and carefully I helped Tom get up. 

”Lets go Tom.” I told him but he turned for one last time and looked at Timothy who was kneeled down, with head looking at the ground.

   Tom walked towards him and pulled his hair back so he could look at him into his eyes.

”This time I didn’t break your bones, the next time you won’t be so lucky.” Tom informed Timothy and walked away with me.

   Before we leave this part of the forest I turned once again and looked at Timothy. For the first time in my life I was pitting him. But then I looked at Tom and everything that had to do with Timothy just disappeared. 

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