Chatper 47

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~The Memory.~

    A white room… Curtains dancing from the summer breeze.

”Is he sleeping?” A warm voice of a man asked me as he sat by my side on the couch I was sitting.

   The guy leaned his head and kissed softly my lips. I looked into his bright blue eyes and saw him smiling.

”We were waiting for you…” I answered with a sweet voice and uncovered my baby’s little head from the white sheet he had hidden.

“Look Henry, daddy is here!” I said to my son singly and looked down at him.

    He was such a small baby when he was born. His skin was pure white, he had some black hair on his head and a pear of two incredibly big blue eyes, just like his father.

“Hello my baby!” His father said with a beautiful smile on his face and leaned over to Henry. Carefully he took him from my arms and held him on his chest. “Hello Henry! Hello!”

   Slowly a door opened and we turned to look at who was coming.

”Hey, can we come in?” A guy with black long hair asked us.

”You don’t need to ask!” I kindly replied as that guy and another man walked inside.

”Where is my nephew?” The guy with a colourful tattoo on his left arm asked happily as they both walked into the living room and sat close to us.

“Look who is here baby? Do you recognize him?” My son’s father said and turned Henry so he could see his uncle.

   Henry’s cheeks slowly turned red and he hide his face away from his uncle. We all laughed. His uncle wasn’t scary at all, he was a charming young guy, with a very good build up body since he was playing drums. And unlike his younger brother, Henry’s father, his uncle had the most beautiful almond shaped eyes with a hazel colour I had never seen before.

”Oh, Henry did your uncle Shannimal scared you?” His father asked kindly Henry and I saw for the first time our son responding to his name. Slowly Henry raised his head and looked deep into his father’s eyes.

”Oh, my God he heard you!” I said happily as I saw his father’s eyes lighting up from happiness and a huge smile spreading on his face. He laughed and Henry did the same thing:

”Don’t be scared of your uncle Henry, he will be always there to protect you like I will be.” His father said as he reached his one hand and patted his brother on his shoulder.

   They didn’t talk. They were always there for each other no matter what. Henry’s father looked into his brother’s eyes and gave him a thankful grin. His brother replied to it in silence and they both turned their faces to look at the baby.

”Um, Alice…” The guy this the long black hair said as I turned to look at him. “I brought to Henry a small present.”

  I smiled surprised at him.

”Oh, Mofo! You didn’t have to!”

”I know… but I wanted him to have this.” The guy said and showed us a beautiful acoustic guitar.

   The guy handed me the guitar as I kept looking surprised.

”This is beautiful!” I managed to say and turned to look at him.

“You made it?” I asked while I hugged him to thank him.

”Well yes… I’ve been working on this guitar since you guys learned that you where pregnant.” The guy answered kindly and his cheeks turned slowly pink. ”It’s a sign. So when little Henry grows older he can be as much talented as his father is.” The guy continued.

   Henry’s father looked moved at the guy and smiled to him.

”Thanks Mofo for that beautiful gift.”

   The guy smiled and nodded his head.

”Play something brother!” His brother said.

”Oh, ok, ok…” Slowly and carefully his father placed Henry back in my arms and took the guitar.

  Before he started playing his brother and the other guy got up and walked into different directions in the living room. When they sat back, close to us, they were holding their acoustic guitars as well.

“Give us the leading brother.”

   Henry’s father smiled and placed the guitar better on his labs.

”Lets see… what would the first song of this guitar will be…”

He said and leaned over as he placed his fingers on the chords.

”He’s a stranger to some and a vision to none,

He can never get enough,

Get enough of the one…”

    Henry’s father started singing as they all begun playing their guitars.

”For a fortune he’d quit,

But it’s hard to admit,

How it ends and begins,

On his face is a map of the world!

A map, of the world…

On his face is a map of the world…!

…A map, of the world…”

   I looked at Henry, he was looking confused at what his father was doing, but he was enjoying his singing and the music he was making. I looked up to him and smiled as I started whispering the lyrics of the song with him…

”From yesterday, it's coming…!

From yesterday, the fear…!

From yesterday, it calls him!

But he doesn't want to read the message here…” 

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