Chapter 49

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~Gaining Trust.~

                                       TOM’S POV.

”Ok, baby. I want you to always listen to Tom, don’t drive him crazy, don’t run in the house, be careful and if you need anything! Anything! Call me right away.” I heard Alice saying to Henry as she was zipping his coat.

”Don’t worry mommy! We’ll be fine!” Henry said to his mother.

”Oh, I’m gonna miss you so much!!!” Alice said when Robert stopped the car in frond of my building.

   I looked back for a split of a second and then opened my door. I stepped down from the Jeep and opened the back door. Alice looked into my eyes and smiled while she was hugging her son. I smiled to her and let them have their moment. I could understand how hard was for Alice to leave Henry alone. So I just waited. 

”I’ll miss you mommy.” Henry said to his before he walk out of the Jeep.

    I leaned my head in the car and looked at her. 

”I’m trusting you.” Alice kindly said and wrapped her hands around my neck. 

   I took a deep breath, so I wouldn’t forget the smell of her hair and looked into her eyes. 

”We’ll be waiting for you to come back.” I told her and she gave me a sweet, full of love kiss. 

”I love you.” She whispered to me.

”I love you.” I answered and took a step back as I held Henry’s hand in mine.

   Alice looked at us for one last time and closed the door of the car. 

”I’m gonna miss you guys! Have fun!” She said after she opened her window.

”See you tomorrow!!” I shouted and waved my hand while the car was un-parking.

”Byyyyeeeeee moooommyyyyyyy!!!!” Henry shouted as well.

”Well she is gone…” I said and looked down at Henry. 

”The last to the elevator is a scared chicken!” Henry shouted excited and run into the building while he was laughing out loud.

   I immediately run after him, but I got to admit that kid was very fast!

”Woooooooow, your house is huge!” Henry said amazed when he walked into my apartment for the first time in his life. 

”Oh, thank you big guy! Come on, lets take off that coat.” I told him and kneeled before him. 

   Henry looked into my eyes and smiled. 

”Can I take off my shoes?” He asked.

”Yeah, of course you can!” I answered to him when I got up and placed our coats on the dinning table. 

   I walked in my kitchen and filled up a glass of water, I wasn’t sure if I was thirsty or deeply lost into nervousness. Now that Alice wasn’t around and it was only me taking care of Henry I wasn’t feeling very sure about it…

“Do you have any pencils?” Henry kindly asked me when he walked into the kitchen.


”Aham, and some paper please.”

”Well let me see.” I told him and we walked into the living room.

    Henry brought some pillows on the floor and sat on them so he could be high enough to draw on the coffee table. I looked at the drawers and even I felt impressed when I found some crayons and a block. 

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