Chapter 54

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~The Girl In The Subway.~

”Oh God… please… no more… no more…” I moaned and let my head fall back and touch the wall.

   I opened my legs and sat better without even carrying if someone was watching me. I was out of breath, sweaty and with legs still shaking.

   Ten hours later. Yes, you didn’t read wrong, ten hours later Timothy let as leave the shop. And let me tell you this… Ten hours with Timothy in Annabel’s place was like eternity in Hell. Ten long, endlessly hours had made us all leave the shop like zombies. We didn’t even have the courage to speak.

   I was feeling embarrassed and a rack… I needed someone to comfort me… someone to tell me that I wasn’t going to see that man ever again in my life. He was such an asshole today, like he wasn’t carrying if he was going to lose his job, like he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted!

   My mind wasn’t working anymore, my feet were hurting and I was starving. He was so lucky, you know, I didn’t punch him in the face after all these he made me through today. He was coming to my bench and start yelling at me. Saying I was useless and stubborn… GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!! He made me so-so-so-so angry!

”…I'll follow your voice, all you have to do is shout it out!!”

“Yeah?” I answered the phone without even looking who had called me.

”Hello darling!” I heard Tom’s cheerful voice from the other side of the phone and I smiled.

”Hey hon…!”

”Are you alright?” He asked.

”Yes, yes, I’m fine…” I answered right away since I didn’t want to worry him.

”Are you sure?”

   I giggled.

”Where are you silly?”

”I’m going home right now…” He answered with his sexy, impeccable, English accent. “Will you come?”

”Ummm… yeah sure… but I’m still at the subway…”

”Don’t worry darling I’m not home yet. In fact right now I’m watching a very beautiful girl…”

    “HE IS DOING WHAT?!” I thought.


”Oh, absolutely!”

”And how does she look like?”

”Well…” Tom paused for a second. “She has her hair pushed back in a ponytail, very sexy if you’re asking me. She if waiting for someone or… perhaps something… and she is holding her phone.”

”Are you going to talk to her?” I asked him.

   “Oh, I swear if you go and talk to her you’ll find your apartment burned down Tom Hiddleston!!”

”You tell me… because I passed a few times in front of her and she ignored me.”

”Yeah yeah sure! Go talk to her.”

”Ehehh, are you mad?” 

”Me?! Nooooo…!”

”Alright! Then I guess you have no problem if I let the line open so you can hear us, right?”

  I pinched my nails into my flesh. THIS IS RIDICULOUS! Why I wasn’t hanging up the phone?

”I don’t have any problem.”

A Great English Pudding (Tom-Hiddleston Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now