Chapter 10

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~The thin line between Remembering & Forgetting.~

   Only a bench was separating me from Tom. I was so confused and messed up.He was here, standing there, looking at me. I knew very well that he didn’t want only the potatoes, he wanted also to talk to me. He was still wearing Henry’s costume, a black V t-shirt, a black trouser and a deep red leather jacket. Goooooooooood, he was so sexy!

“Elvira’s?” He said.

”Excuse me?” I asked as I looked at him. 

”Were you working in Elvira’s?” Tom said once again.

”No, this is my first job here…” I informed him while I was rolling up my sleeves once more.

”Oh, really?”

”Yes.” I answered and I gave him my best smile. 

   Having Tom looking my every move was making me feel so awkward, automatically I felt like I had to do something. Carefully (because I’m a bit clumsy) I bended over my bench and placed out some more bottles of water. Still… I could feel his eyes upon me.

”Then were do I know you from?” He asked me and when I looked at him I saw his beautiful eyes staring in mine. His lips were an inch open and his eyes had a question to express.

   “You know me from the airport! You know me! I was the one who stepped on you! Remember me? Tom! It’s me!” A small voice was screaming out of control in my head, shaking up my mind, trying to be so loud so Tom could actually hear it.

”I don’t think we have ever met.” I told him without showing any emotion and I felt my heart turning into ice. 

   This. Was. So. Painful!

”I swear, I have seen you somewhere before…” Tom said and when I was ready to tell him everything I heard Helen’s voice.

”We are so sorry Mr. Hiddleston for kept you waiting.” She said to him as she placed the new pan with roasted potatoes over the other. 

   My phone rang. 

”Excuse me for a second.” I told them and walked some steps further to answer.


”Hey it’s me! I just wanted you to know that I’m with Alex and Henry in the car and we are going home.” 

”Henry?! Henry is there?” I said as felt my heart melting. “Give him the phone.”


”Hey baby, how are you?” I asked my son while a smile was appearing on my face when I heard his sweet, like honey, voice through the phone. 

”I’m in the car with aunt Lina and Alex. They took me from school and we are going home to eat…” Henry said to me.

”Oh, how nice! Did you made any friends?” I asked him as I was feeling more and more the desire to be by his side. 

”Yes! Mommy when you’ll come home?” Henry asked me. 

”I’ll come around dinner time baby…” I said sadly to him.

”I miss you mommy.”

”Oh, Henry baby I miss you too, but mommy loves you much. I’ll see you soon baby, take care and listen to aunt Lina. Ok?”

”Oki mommy, love you!” Henry answered to me with his sweet voice and we hang up. 

   I placed the phone back to my pocket and with eyes looking down I went back to my bench. Helen had gone, but Tom was still there. He was holding a water bottle and he was staring at me. His eyes didn’t have any more that expression that was showing: “I know you from somewhere but I can’t remember from where…” 

”I KNOW YOU!” He yelled and I looked up to him. His eyes lighted up and a smile appeared on his face. “You are that girl from the airport with that little boy… Uuummm, Henry… Alice! A-A-Alice and Henry!” Tom said as he walked closer to the bench and to me.

   And that moment I swear I felt like the most pleased person on the earth. I felt like the sun was shinning on me and I had all the luck in the world. Tom remembered my name! He hadn’t forgotten me at all! My heart was beating like crazy as I smiled to him.

”My God! I can’t believe it! What a small world?!” He said and laughed. 

”I had no doubt you would recognized me.” I answered to him and saw a friend of his, from the cast walking towards us. 

”Hey Tom! The director needs to talk to you.” The guy said as Tom turned to look at the man who had called him.

”Be right there!” Tom informed his friend and turned his head to look at me once more. “We have more to say…” He said with husky voice and his eyes looked at me full of desire. 

”Oh, umm, ok!” I answered and giggled nervously. 

   Tom gave me a quick smile and his eyes turned into a fast and without emotion eye-fuck. I felt my breath taken away and my legs shaking. How did he do that? What was happening? Where was the earth below my feet?!

”Talk to you soon darling.” He said to me and walked away with his friend. 

A Great English Pudding (Tom-Hiddleston Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now