Slow But Steady

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Sonic's pov

After that, I fell asleep in Knuckles arms. It felt like it was like 11 years ago. But it's the present.

I woke with the doctor telling me that visiting hours are over.

But that didn't stop me from visiting him everyday after work.

Yes, I visited him often. It went on for four entire months.

When he was released, he was gonna rent an apartment but I offered if he stayed with me and the girls.

He refused, said he did not want to trouble me.

Luckily Marina had a friend to look after him. He did however visits me for dinner night and movie night.

Sometimes we even fall asleep on the couch when we were in the middle of watching a movie.

Yeah they were dates but just dinner and movies.

One time I had to go to his apartment for dinner.

We made out just after dessert. Even though he refused to stay with me, I decorated my sons room. I told him if 9 months go by and if the boys are born he will move in with me.

Knowing I care about him and my unborn sons, he agreed.

He was taking things slow like he said he would.

Satoko and Maddox were thrilled about their brother's arrival, Risa not so much.

Can't say I'm surprised. She always heard what happens when she had brothers. So says a classmate of hers.

But Satoko assured her that they won't be as problematic as 'that classmate' said they would be.

Not sure about that. They have my DNA after all.

The ninth month was here and Knuckles was sent to the hospital. I gotta call from Marina's friend about the news. I was at work at the time.

I was surprised at the news. I had to drive there by lunch break.

I hoped he was going to be okay. Both my sons are going to be born.

Even my mother and ex-parents-in-laws had heard the news.

I was afraid he won't make it when our sons were born.

Luckily, he made it along with my sons.

He's alive and that's all that matters besides my sons.

I went over to check on him and I hugged him.

He said our boys were healthy.

When we saw them, they look halfway exactly like us but one is a dark red with green eyes and the other a dark blue with purple.

I haft to be honest. They were beautiful boys.

I named the dark red one; Flaire.

Knuckles named the dark blue one: Shade

No he wasn't named after that female echidna from the Noctrunus.

It was just a name he picked.

Yes, we were in love all over again, after these 9 months.

After he was released from the hospital, he moved in and he brought the boys.

My daughters were thrilled that they're new brothers have arrive.

Risa was still skeptical but she was founded. Maddox was just happy to have someone to play with.

2 someone's actually.

Though, nothing can top of off what I will do, 7 months later.

What I will do? Something momentous. But even better.

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