Chapter 5

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3rd pov:

"In Dev Lok, Shri Jagat Janani and Shri Hari Narayan gazed down at Bhulok, where Stuti and Satoru were engrossed in a friendly card game, chuckling together. Narad Muni, the celestial sage, chimed in with his characteristic greeting, "Narayan! Narayan! Prabhu Stuti truly is the last shining gem in Bhulok during Kaliyug."

This comment drew a chuckle from Mata Lakshmi, who replied, "Well, I can't deny that the poor girl had to face challenges due to her curse, yet she continues to smile through everything. Isn't that right, Swami?"

"Indeed, Chanchala," Hari Narayan responded. "Her previous boon from me is certainly bearing fruit."

Narayan and Lakshmi watched with amusement as Stuti and Satoru created a playful commotion in their hotel. Lakshmi couldn't help but smile as she observed them, saying, "She really does embody the spirit of your Krishna avatar, Swami. It's astounding how quickly she mastered her skills."

"Hmm," Hari Narayan mused, "I must agree, Chanchala. Watching them, it's as if Stuti and Satoru are a reflection of our own time in Dwapar Yug. It's remarkable how only these two were left to return to Swarg Lok after that era. By the way did you know Shri-" and that's how gossips of trilok started in Vaikuntha."

 The trio was determined to create lasting memories for Riko during her final days in the tropical paradise. They embarked on sightseeing adventures and took her to an aquarium where Riko was absolutely captivated by the colorful marine life.

One evening, they found themselves at a fancy restaurant, where Riko was savoring her meal. Stuti, with her mischievous streak, decided to playfully tease Satoru by attempting to sneak some extra salt onto his plate. Riko, curious about Stuti's lack of eating, asked, "Stuti-san, aren't you going to eat?"

Stuti chuckled and explained, "Oh no, Amanai-chan, I'm a vegetarian, so I don't usually eat in normal settings."

Satoru chimed in, "That's right. If we want to eat together, we usually go to a vegetarian restaurant."

Riko nodded in understanding but couldn't resist a playful tease of her own. She observed Stuti's attempt to add soy sauce to both Satoru's and her own food, prompting playful whines from the two as they engaged in this lighthearted culinary mischief.

As they embarked on a boat ride, Satoru, Stuti, and Riko found themselves in the same boat while Suguru and Kuroi were on another one. Stuti began to play her flute, the melodious notes filling the air with a soothing calmness. They glided across the water, immersed in the tranquil serenity created by Stuti's music, making this moment one of pure serenity and contentment.

As they glided on the boat, Riko couldn't help but express her awe. "Stuti-san, this is amazing. Your music, the water, everything... it's like a dream."

Stuti, her fingers still caressing the flute, smiled warmly at Riko. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Amanai-chan. Nature has a way of healing our spirits."

Riko nodded, her gaze fixed on the water's shimmering surface. "You're right. It feels so peaceful here. Stuti-san, do you often come to places like this to play your flute?"

Stuti's eyes held a distant look for a moment. "Not as often as I'd like. But when I do, it reminds me of the beauty that exists in the world."

Riko gazed at Stuti, admiration in her eyes. "You really have a unique way of looking at things, Stuti-san. It's inspiring."

Stuti chuckled modestly. "I just try to find joy in the simple moments, Amanai-chan."

As they continued their boat ride, Riko couldn't help but feel grateful for the beautiful experience and the meaningful conversations she was sharing with Stuti.

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