Part 42

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Sean POV

I stride into the office this morning thinking of ways to yank Owen's chain a little after hearing Pumpkin's amazing wake-up attempt for Vic, and realize she is not someone I ever want as an enemy. That little girl's mind is wicked. I chuckle when I spot Owen seated at his desk, picturing him in a tutu. He obviously knows where my mind is, because he gives me the 'don't say a word' glare, to which I only laugh harder.

"It would have been helpful had Mr. Korba notified us what that was all about before sending the sound clip. I had visions of being subjected to some strange party Miss Sorenson was planning," he tells me dryly. I nod with enthusiasm as I toss my bag under my desk, sit in my chair, and start swiveling it back and forth.

"Maybe, but his way was so much better! I'm a little sad Pumpkin didn't give me something better to do than suggest voice lessons," I say on a sigh. "If she does come up with a party like that, I'm SO totally in!" I exclaim, already planning on searching out costumes. A quick glance at Owen shows he's calculating something as well.

Just as I am mentally getting to the different variations of leotards and shoes to surprise Owen with, a single knock rattles the door, and North steps through looking and smelling awful. I don't think he showered after doing hours this morning, and he stinks like a distillery. I reach in my bag, and grab my lunch. Pulling out a sports drink, string cheese and a banana, I hand them to him. I open my desk drawer to retrieve some Tylenol, and dump a couple in my palm for him as well.

"Thanks, Doc. That's not why I came here, but it's appreciated," North says with gratitude he rarely shows. Little red warning lights want to flash in my brain, but I decide to pull an Owen, and wait him out. I feel a little smug when he cracks.

"Before you get on my case about drinking, Sang Baby already did," he said looking slightly scared, and drops his gaze to the floor before continuing, "and I promised not to drink like that anymore. I need to talk to you about Luke," he said and looks up at Owen.

Owen raises his eyebrow, and gives his practiced curious face. Oooookay! I'm all for waiting North out, but this is silly. I feel myself getting antsy, but I'm not cracking before he does! Nope! Not going to happen. Never!

"What's going on with Luke?" shoot! My mouth apparently doesn't listen to my brain. Naughty, bad mouth. We'll have to have a chat about that later.

"The little, shi..stinker is being an ass. He refuses to get up except when we were doing hours, doesn't eat—and I mean anything. I left chocolate laying out and he didn't touch it. He won't talk to me. He hasn't talked to Gabe, but Gabe is sick so no one really noticed that yet. He won't even talk to Baby. If anyone can break him out of his depression it'd be Sang Baby," North says with aggravation. "The problem is, I think Sang is the root of his depression. He tells me every damn thought that crosses his mind to my dismay, and the one time I could use a peek into his head, the little shit goes silent on me," he huffs.

"Has Miss Sorenson inquired after Mr. Luke Taylor?" Owen asks.

"Yeah, but I keep putting her off. I gave her the 'don't worry about it' line this morning. We all know how much that pisses her off," North grumbles.

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