Part 98

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Sang POV

The next couple  of weeks are a blur of activity. I've begun therapy for my "problems" as I've come to call them. The one that I'm most concerned with is my shower phobia. Treatment seems promising. I am to replace my bad experience with new, non-scary experiences. Luke has offered to assist me in this.

I finally find out what Mr. Blackbourne and Sean were talking about when I told them that I didn't want to live here alone. It hasn't been an issue thus far with Sean recuperating from his injury here, but when I expressed concern that he was ready to go home they let me in on their idea. I was thrilled to find out that Sean is selling his condo and moving in with me permanently. Several of the other guys wanted to permanently move in too, but Mr. Blackbourne said it was too soon for that, and we'd have to all be careful for the next couple of years.

To prevent people from complaining about Sean staying here with me, and to make it more acceptable for anyone paying attention that might try to kick up a fuss, our family decided that Mr. Blackbourne should move in as well. As my legal-ish guardian, no one can question him being a resident of my home.

I'm still unsure how that whole legal guardian thing works. If I don't exist, how can any documentation of my guardianship hold any weight, after all? I discussed my fears with Victor and he said that it holds weight with the right people. To contest it would be to give up my ghost status, and since no one wants that, and they can't do anything without contesting it, everyone has decided to treat it as a valid guardianship.

"Don't borrow trouble, Princess," he had told me his eyes softly blazing into mine. I decided to take his advice and let it go. At any rate, no one has said anything one way or the other against it--at least not that I've heard.

Kota and North finally agreed to take turns teaching me how to drive. I was forced to memorize the whole rule book and take the written test before either would let me behind the wheel. I think North was impressed and slightly disappointed with how quickly I managed to prove I had memorized all the rules and pass the test. While he insisted he be one of the ones to teach me to drive, he had gone on and on about how dangerous it was. Unspoken but definitely implied was the argument that his Sang Baby might get hurt.

I suspect he'd have found reasons to delay forever if I hadn't asked him if he thought I wasn't capable of learning how to be a safe driver. He, of course, spluttered out a denial and then before he knew it we had our first driving lesson planned. Later, when he realized I had played him, he grouched that I had cheated. I had just giggled and agreed.

If he only knew how Gabriel and Luke helped me with memorizing everything, he'd have flipped out and really called me a cheater. Thinking back on how I had memorized all those rules, I let out a snicker. Luke and Gabe came up with the perfect incentive to help me memorize quickly. For every right answer, Luke and Gabe showed me an embarrassing picture they had taken of one of their brothers over the years. To light a fire under me they declared that for every wrong answer they got to take an embarrassing photo of me.

My favorite embarrassing picture was a toss-up between the one with a young Kota wearing one of his sister's training bras (Luke explained that was a dare), or the one with a young Mr. Blackbourne fast asleep with a daisy crown perched precariously on his head. Gabe had said that the hours they got for that particular prank were well worth it, and he bemoaned that they didn't get the follow-up picture with the daisies in his hand because he woke up as they were positioning them. Of course, here again, I cheated and begged Victor to hack their phones and delete all of the embarrassing photos they had taken of me for my wrong answers.

On the first driving lesson I was surprised to discover that Kota and North had decided beforehand that I'd learn manual transmission first, then try out automatic. I heard later that the guys were almost evenly divided on this. Luke, Gabe, Nathan, and Sean had argued that it was unnecessary for me to learn manual as no vehicle I'd drive would be manual. However, North and Silas had argued that everyone should learn manual just in case. Victor and Kota had agreed with them, and Mr. Blackbourne had pointed out that it was a requirement for an Academy member to learn both--which was how I found myself learning stick.

I still shake my head when I think about North's poor Jeep. The sounds the transmission makes when you aren't accurate in shifting made me think I was hurting it. I kept waiting for North to get grumpy but he hasn't even yelled at me once. Surprisingly he is a great teacher.

Kota is good too when he doesn't forget and start telling me various vehicle related statistics. I really didn't need to know the percentage of people who manage to ruin the transmission on their vehicle as they learn how to properly shift, I think with a small smile. Victor had presented me with a fake ID and told me to keep it near in case I ever have to use a driver's license as a form of identification.

In addition to the driving classes, I have been attending classes as usual at the local college. I enjoy my courses and the time spent with whichever of the guys takes me to the in-person classes. At first I worried that they'd be bored waiting for me but they all insist that they have other tasks they do while I'm in class and enjoy the one-on-one time with me. Chauffer duty usually includes us going out for dinner or even grocery shopping for the house. I asked Gabe if they were eager for me to finish learning to drive so I could take myself, and his response more than reassured me.

"Trouble, I want you to know how to drive so I know you can if you need to, but there is no fucking way I'm giving up this time with you, and I know none of the others want to either. We all love spending one-on-one time with you even if we are doing this domestic shit," he gestures to the cart loaded with groceries, "with you. So stop worrying about us, and let's go get some ice cream. We'll tell North it's Luke's if he catches us." I had giggled and let the subject drop as I picked up two tubs of ice cream. Hopefully having two tubs would mean there'd actually be some left for me. Mr. Blackbourne has a secret sweet-tooth I have discovered.

In addition to the classes I attend in-person, I still have my online courses. My online classes are simple enough, and I've managed to complete my coursework well in advance. Because I am so far ahead, I only have to stop in a few times a week for participation credit.

Time seems to fly and before I know it, it's Friday evening. Silas and I return home from a CPR course that's being held at the community college. Silas agreed to take the class with me--joking that it was a refresher, but he wanted to be on hand to volunteer in case I needed to practice any mouth-to-mouth. As he turns into my driveway, I give a happy sigh to be home and then sit up straighter as I note there are two vehicles parked in front of the house.

"Stay here while I see who our unexpected company is, Aggele Mou," Silas says as he gets out of the vehicle. Instead of sitting idly while Silas checks the house and surrounding areas, I pull out my phone and open up the camera app.

It isn't until I reach the view that covers the shed and see the tall man standing there that I realize whom one of the vehicles must belong to. Knowing that he would never bring someone harmful here, I fling the car door open, and dash around to the side of the house following the sound of voices. I Silas's shout of alarm as I race out of sight. I know he'll follow behind me and that he needs to trust my judgment.

A deep rumbling male voice is heard laughing, confirming the identity of one of my visitors. However, the perfect accompaniment of girlish squeals and giggles makes me stumble to a halt as I stare at my other visitors in shock. Other adult voices are also audible, but I don't give them much thought as I stare in shock at my unexpected guests. What are they doing here? I think as Silas comes to a stop beside me. His arms wrap around me, and he pulls me into his chest protectively.

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