33 - Morning Playfulness

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The next morning, Asmodeus and Seraphina woke up beside each other, their naked bodies tangled in a loving embrace. The room was filled with the soft rays of the morning sun, casting a warm and gentle glow upon them.

Seraphina, feeling a delightful soreness from the passionate lovemaking the night before, stretched languidly. She couldn't help but smile as she gazed at Asmodeus, her heart filled with a deep and abiding love.

Asmodeus, sensing her awakened state, turned toward her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered playfully, "Good morning, my love. I hope you're not too sore from last night."

Seraphina blushed at his teasing, her laughter filling the room. "Well, you were rather rough and fast," she replied with a playful twinkle in her eye.

Asmodeus grinned and nuzzled her neck affectionately. "I can't help myself when it comes to you," he confessed, his voice husky with desire.

He then whispered seductively, "How about a second round, my dear?"

Seraphina's cheeks turned even redder as she playfully pushed him away. "Not so fast," she teased. "I need a little recovery time, you know."

Asmodeus chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "Very well, my love," he said, his tone softening with tenderness. "I'll take good care of you."

As they cuddled in the morning light, their love and playfulness were palpable. They were oblivious to the looming danger and misery that Asmodeus's brother, Ihys, was planning to bring upon them.

In this chapter, Asmodeus and Seraphina wake up together, their love evident in the morning light. Asmodeus teases Seraphina about the previous night's passion and playfully suggests a second round. They share a loving and playful moment, unaware of the danger that Ihys is plotting against them.


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