34 - Intimate Bath

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Asmodeus pampered Seraphina for a while, tending to her sore body with loving care. He knew that their passionate night had left her feeling tender, and he relished the opportunity to take care of her.

After a bit of tender attention, Asmodeus gently lifted Seraphina into his arms and carried her into the bathroom. Inside, a large bathtub awaited them, filled with warm water and fragrant oils.

He carefully seated Seraphina on his lap, their bodies touching intimately as they settled into the luxurious bath. The warm water embraced them, easing the soreness from their previous night's lovemaking.

Asmodeus poured some scented bath oils into the water, creating a soothing and fragrant atmosphere around them. He began to wash Seraphina's body with a tenderness that mirrored the depth of his love for her.

Their bath together was a sensual and intimate experience, their bodies entwined in the warm water as they shared whispered words of affection and desire. The world outside faded away as they indulged in the simple pleasure of being together.

Little did they know that chaos and violence were brewing on the horizon, as Asmodeus's brother, Ihys, was preparing to bring misery and danger into their lives. For now, they remained blissfully unaware, lost in their love and the intimacy of the moment.

In this chapter, Asmodeus pampers Seraphina and then carries her into the bathroom, where they share an intimate bath together. Their love and tenderness are palpable as they enjoy the warmth of the water and each other's company, oblivious to the impending danger brought by Ihys.


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