55 - Dimly Lit Corner

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Inside the dimly lit bar, Asmodeus sat at a quiet table, the soft ambiance offering him a moment of peace and solitude. His fingers traced the rim of his glass, the amber liquid within slowly beginning to affect his senses. With each sip, his thoughts drifted toward the two most important beings in his life—Seraphina and their unborn child.

Asmodeus ran a hand through his raven-black hair, slicking it back in a manner that accentuated his handsomeness and masculinity. Despite the alcohol now working its way into his mind, his focus remained firmly on his beloved Seraphina.

Images of Seraphina's radiant smile, her laughter, and her gentle touch filled his thoughts. He pictured her with a slight glow, her eyes shining with warmth and love as she carried their child. It was a vision that brought a soft and contented smile to Asmodeus's lips, even in his slightly inebriated state.

With each passing moment, his connection to Seraphina grew stronger in his heart. He couldn't help but marvel at the miracle taking place inside her, the tiny life that was a testament to their love and commitment.

Asmodeus continued to sip his drink, the alcohol enhancing his sense of longing for Seraphina. Despite the distance between them at that moment, his love for her and their unborn child was an unbreakable bond that filled his thoughts and fueled his desire to return home to them.

In this chapter, Asmodeus finds solace in the dimly lit bar, with his thoughts centered on Seraphina and their growing family. The alcohol may be affecting his mind, but his love for Seraphina remains clear and unwavering, serving as a reminder of what truly matters in his life.


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