Hyesung (Love is an Illusion)

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Character: Kim Hyesung
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: Our little family

(M/n pov)

I smiled softly as my twin brother, Dojin showed up on the TV for his interview. Hyesung and Byul were still asleep so I had decided I'd make them breakfast. While I made breakfast I thought about everything that happened over three years.


I watched my brother mingle at the match party thing I was practically forced to come to by him.  I sat in the corner and away from most people. Omegas and Betas occasionally came up to me but I politely rejected them. I sighed and stood up to go to the bathroom. Once I did my business I washed my hands. Just as I was about to leave an omega clearly in heat came through the door reeking in pheromones. I grunted and quickly covered my nose with my handkerchief before I grabbed him and pulled him up into one of the many free hotel rooms. I placed him under the water before I called some maids up to deal with him. Once I made sure he was safe I wrote my number down on a piece of paper and my name before running out of the building and back to my apartment. Only hoping that the cute omega might actually call me or even text me at some point.

Sure enough about a week later he texted me and asked me to meet him. He was surprised that I as an alpha had so much control to not do anything to him. When I admitted that his pheromones had affected me he seemed even more surprised that I didn't do anything. We agreed to continue talking to each other and over time we spent so much time together that he ended up asking me to help him out with his heart which I happily agreed to. What either of them didn't see coming was that my rut was going to start due to me being so affected by his pheromones. It was a welcomed surprise and we talked about mating with each other after almost a year of knowing each other we mated and immediately got pregnant with Byul a surprise. A surprise to both of us but a very welcomed one. We got married when Byul was old enough to participate without crying and we couldn't have been any happier than we are now.

Flashback over~

I heard giggling behind me and sure enough, when I turned around there stood my husband and my son smiling up at me. "Good morning, baby. Good morning, Byul." I pressed a kiss to their foreheads. They continued to smile before telling me good morning back. I placed breakfast down on the table and watched them happily eat and interact with a small smile on my face.

'I love our little family' I thought to myself before beginning to eat myself.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, my sweet potatoes

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