Sanemi (KNY)

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Character: Sanemi Shinazugawa
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: They're so cute
*Omagaverse, Mpreg*

(Third person pov)

Everyone could practically feel and smell the stress rolling off Sanemi. Everyone has attempted to try to talk to him but wherever they got too close he'd immediately let out a warning growl. Everyone lingered away from him and still watched over him. Once training was announced to be over the rest of the hashira's watched as Sanemi practically shoved his stuff in his bag before making his way out of the training arena. They all silently agreed to follow after him to see what caused him to act that way. Genya himself had no idea what was going on with his brother. As they followed after Sanemi they saw him going to a couple of places after speaking to his crow. First, he went into a candy store and grabbed a couple of (F/C). Then after he paid he left and went to another store and grabbed what seemed like too much dinner for one person. 

It wasn't long till the hashiras realized they were following Sanemi to his mansion. As soon as they rounded the corner the hashira's all stared in surprise as Sanemi smiled extremely softly at something staring by the front door of his mansion. Again they're all surprised when a beautiful but heavily pregnant omega steps out. Sanemi wrapped his arms around the omega before showing him all of the items he had in his hands. The omega smiled brightly and looked up at Sanemi with love and adoration. Sanemi smiled down at him before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. All of the hashira were surprised to see just how soft and caring Sanemi was towards the omega. Completely different from how he was during training. Suddenly, Sanemi and the omega looked over at the hashira before the omega waved them over with a small smile on his face.

(M/n pov)

The hashiras and Genya came over looking quite awkward since Sanemi was glaring at them. I sighed and gently elbowed Sanemi before speaking, "Hello, I'm (L/n) (M/n). I'm Sanemi's mate. While I'm sure he's never told any of you about me. He's told me quite a lot about you. Please come in I'm sure you saw Sanemi bought a lot of food. I'll be cooking please come in." I turned and walked into the house. The hashira's quickly piled in and I began prepping the food. After Sanemi got them all situated at the table he came into the kitchen and began helping with food while telling me about his day. We moved through the kitchen silently and effortlessly. We set everything on the table before we sat down. "I'm sure you guys have many questions so I'll do you guys a favor and answer the most common asked. Like I mentioned earlier Sanemi and I are mates. I'm currently 8 months pregnant. Sanemi and I met during the final selection after we had won. The reason I'm kept a secret is because I chose to be after getting pregnant and him being a hashira I knew it would be better for me to be a secret and that's why none of you knew who I was including you Genya."

They looked a bit more satisfied before they began eating happily complimenting my food. After a bit, Sanemi brought me my dessert which made me smile. "Thank you, honey," I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled softly and gently kissed my forehead. I heard Mitsuri squeal softly, "They're so cute." I laughed softly and Sanemi looked done with the world.

Hopefully, you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes <3

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