Dabi (MHA)

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Character: Touya Todoroki
Type: Lemon🍋
Story Name: Why are you like this?
*Omegaverse, Quirkless AU*

(Dabi's pov)

*I leaned back in my office chair and rubbed my face with my hands. It's been a little over a year since my old man retired and handed over the company to me. I've been working day and night working on updating everything the old man refused to do whilst he was CEO. I moved my hands away and looked at the clock on my desk which read, 1:24 am, I sighed and smiled softly at the picture frame next to the alarm. It was a picture of me and the love of my life, my beautiful omega, (M/n). I grabbed my phone to text him and frowned at the multiple messages and phone calls from (M/N). I tried calling him back and he didn't reply. I frowned and called him three more times again with no answer.*

*I quickly gathered my things and took the elevator down to the garage. I was out of the building and on my way home in less than five minutes. Once I arrived at the house I parked and turned off the car before running inside. I looked around the first floor first and saw no sight of (M/n). Feeling even more anxious I quickly headed upstairs and into our bedroom just to stop dead in my tracks at the door. There laying on the bed on all fours whilst stroking his cock. I sniffed the air a bit as the scent of his arousal and heat spilled out of the room. I walked closer to him* "(M/n) Baby, I'm home. You're in heat. That's why you called me isn't it?"

(Third pov)

*(M/n) blinked slowly before looking at Touya* "A-Alpha you're home" *(M/n) turned on their back before spreading his legs. Touya nodded and gently rubbed (M/n) inner thigh* "Good omega. Waited so patiently for alpha" *(M/n) hummed softly as Touya leaned down and began kissing him deeply. (M/n) wrapped his arms around Touya's neck and deepened the kiss. Touya pulled away slightly and pressed his forehead against (M/n)'s* "I'm a bad alpha, aren't I? I've been neglecting my beautiful omega" *(M/n) rolled his eyes and smiled softly* "How about instead of saying stupid shit like that. You fuck me silly. And make up for the last six months?" *Touya huffed and chuckled softly* "Why are you like this? Even during your heat, you have a smart-ass mouth" *Touya leaned down again and began kissing (M/n) again. With a soft moan from (M/n), Touya began jerking him off again. (M/n) moaned loudly before gasping* "T-Touya, A-Alpha~" *Touya kissed the mark on his neck as he continued to jerk (M/n) off. It wasn't long till (M/n) released all over Touya's hand and his stomach. Touya pulled back slightly with a smirk on his face as he watched (M/n) pant softly* "Ready for more of where that came from?"

*Let's just say it was a long three days for (M/n)*

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if my first little dabble into lemon/smut is kinda dry. It's been a while. I love you my sweet potatoes<3

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