Muzan (KNY)

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Character: Muzan Kibutsuji
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: I'll stop I promise

(M/n pov)

I woke up alone once again. My husband, Muzan, was nowhere to be found. I huffed and groaned a bit as I got out of bed. I haven't been feeling good at all recently and my husband hasn't been around long enough to notice at all. It's been three months of me feeling like this and not doing anything about it. I did what I did every morning recently and took a warm shower before I went to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. As I ate I heard the front door open. Soon my husband came into my field of sight and I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're home? That's surprising. I thought you'd be out and about again." He stared at me before he frowned, "Are you feeling okay, darling? You look really pale and quite fatigued."

I rolled my eyes and looked away from him, "So now you notice. I've been like this for three months if you were home more often you'd know about it." He sighed softly before he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me, "I'm sorry, darling. A lot has been going on and I've been losing things due to some annoying kids and hashiras. I swear I've wanted to be by your side this whole time. But I'd rather no one find out about you and you get put into danger or any..." Suddenly he paused and he stared at me before he got down on his knees. I gave him a confused look as he suddenly grabbed my waist and placed his ear against my stomach. He gasped before he stood up and pulled me into a tight hug. "M-Muzan what the hell? What's going on? Speak up, you idiot. I'm going to freak out."

He pulled away a bit before he gently grabbed my chin and kissed me deeply. I moaned softly into the kiss before he finally pulled away. I smacked his chest gently, "What the hell, Muzan?" He gave me a bright smile, "You're pregnant, my love. I can hear the little heartbeat of our baby." I froze and brought my hand up to my belly, "I'm pregnant? We're going to have a child together?" He nodded and hugged me tighter, "I love you so much, my love. I'm so incredibly happy. I had no idea that I'd be able to have something this great happen to me." I smiled before I frowned, "Muzan, if you continue your activities then what will happen to us if you're caught? You have to think about our baby now. We need you by our side." He gave me a sad look before nodding in agreement, "You're right, my love. I'll stop I promise." I smiled and hugged him tightly excited for what the future held for us.

Hopefully, you guys enjoy it. I love you my sweet potatoes <3

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