Koda (BNHA)

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Character: Koji Koda
Type: Fluff☁️, Light lemon🍋
Story Name: So pretty for me

(M/n pov)

I stalked behind some monsters and then invaded MY forest just before I could do that the monsters caught sight of someone and began trying to attack him. I quickened my pace jumped into fight the monster and began to take them out. Once they were all dead I made sure he was okay before noticing that I had blood coming down my stomach area. The little guy in front of me slowly and very hesitantly came towards me and assessed my injury before looking up at me, "C- Can I help you out?" I chuckled softly, "If you so wish, little one." He blushed and pulled out some herbs before mixing them. I watched for a bit before he pressed it against my wound grabbing some bandages and wrapping them around my torso. "Thanks, little guy. What's your name?" He backed away from me a bit, "K-Koji Koda... m-my ability is being able to speak to animals."

I chuckled, "I'm (L/n) (M/n), I'm a humanoid orge. I live in this forest protecting civilians from monsters that have made themselves home here. Now shall I take you home? I'm sure you do not wish to be attacked again." He agreed and as we walked he explained to me how his quirk worked and how he wished to be stronger and more confident with himself. Once we had arrived at his house I told him if he so wished I could train him. He happily agreed and we agreed to meet up after school every day. Every day for a year he came along to train. He got stronger, taller, and more confident with himself which made me proud of him. It was break day and I had made a small meal for us before I invited him to sit with me to eat and talk.

As we sat around we began eating the food when he suddenly began blushing and squirming in his seat. I chuckled softly, "Is everything alright with you, Koda?" He seemed surprised I had caught on to his behavior before he sighed and put down his food before he turned towards me. "(M/n) Over the last year you have helped me completely turn a new leaf. I've become stronger and more confident in myself. What I'm trying to say is that I really like you and I was maybe hoping you felt the same way." I smiled and gently grabbed his chin and pressed a small kiss to his lips, "I like you so much, Koda."  He smiled before he held my hands. I picked him up and brought him and all our stuff back to my house. I laid him down on my bed before I removed all of his clothes and then removed mine. I watched his eyes widen at my manhood which I chuckled at. I look him up and down, "So pretty for me baby. Get ready for an unforgettable night baby." I kissed him again and before we knew it we spent an incredible and unforgettable night together.

Hopefully, you guys enjoy it. I love you my sweet potatoes<3

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