Kurapika (HxH)

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Character: Kurapika Kurta
Type: Fluff ☁️
Story Name: I'll always be by your side now
*Soulmate AU*

(M/n pov)

I was walking around YorkNew City looking for something to do. I decided to go looking for a place to eat when I bumped into someone. I stared at the person with wide eyes before realizing there were two of them. "Oh I'm sorry..." I said after a bit of silence. "It's okay, I'm Gon. And you are?" He looked at me expectantly, "I'm (M/n)." He smiled brightly, "Do you know where we could go eat? Killua has been complaining about wanting to eat something." I stared at them for a second before I spoke up, "Well I was just about to go eat. So if you guys want you can join me." They agreed and happily followed after me. Once we sat down to eat they began talking to me about what we were doing in YorkNew City and I happily listened and began telling them about myself. Gon pulled out his phone and texted someone before we continued.

About thirty minutes into our lunch two other people joined us. The tall guy introduced himself as Leorio. I looked at the other guy and he spoke up, "Hello, I'm Kurapika Kurta." I stared at him for a second at the realization that his initials were the same on my wrist but I ignored it since anyone could have those initials. I smiled slightly, "Hello, I'm (L/n) (M/n)." His eyes widened too and he looked down at his wrist, "No way." I smiled a bit, "We're soulmates aren't we." He nodded a bit and I put down my portion of the bill before grabbing his wrist and dragging him outside and somewhere more private to talk. "I can't believe it took me bumping into Killua and Gon to meet you. Can you tell me about you, please? I'll tell you about myself to"

He agreed and we spent the next three hours talking about anything and everything. "I'm sorry to hear about your family. Though are you planning to do anything about the situation?" He gave me a small sad smile, "Yeah I mean I really do want to get revenge. My family didn't deserve anything and got them to get killed due to something we have no control over." I nodded softly and held his hands, "So you gave any clues on the perpetrators?" He nodded his head and I smiled a bit, "That's good but I should probably let you know I work as a detective of sorts if you could even call it that. But I'm really good about finding people so if you want I'll help you out." He gave me another smile and hugged me, "Thank you so much, (M/n)." I hugged him back tighter, "I'll always be by your side now, Kurapika."

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes <3

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