Kirishima (BNHA)

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Character: Kirishima Eijirou
Type: Fluff☁️
Story Name: He's definitely your child
*Mpreg, Fantasy AU*

(M/n pov)

I watched over the egg as I waited for Eijirou to come back to our nest. I softly hummed to our egg as I thought back to how they came into the world. After Eijirou and I officially mated through our wedding we had spent the entire week after on our honeymoon. And during that time he went through rut and I went through heat. For a dragon going through rut and impregnating their mate is quite different. Once the honeymoon finished we spent a month making our nest ours. Before we knew it I had started gaining a bit of weight and once we made it to the doctors they informed us that we were having a child. After eight months of incubation in my belly through some weird magic, the egg came out of my stomach during the night which meant there was only one month until it hatch. But as of right now, the baby could be out at any time.

I continued to hum softly until I heard a bit of commotion coming from outside. Soon my husband came through the cave door in his dragon form. He gave me a bright smile which I would love if it weren't for the fact that he has a deer in his teeth. I scrunched my nose up, "I see the hunt went well today." He nodded and leaned down to place it near our kitchen before he went back outside to clean up in the river water. He came back inside in his human form smiling brightly, "Hi honey. How was your day? How was the baby today?" I smiled and held the egg close to me, "My day was good love. The baby was a perfect little angel." He nodded and leaned down to kiss my lips. I kissed him back before I pulled away and handed him the egg. "Let me go cook the deer. Since you're such a disaster in the kitchen."

It took about two hours for me to fully clean and cook the deer with the side dishes. I set the table and placed the egg on my lap. We began eating and talking about random stuff. All of a sudden I felt movement on my lap. I looked down at the egg with wide eyes. I gasped softly when I realized that the baby was hatching. After a minute a little had broken through the shell. Eijirou quickly sat next to me and we watched as our baby slowly broke out of the shell. Before we know it the baby fully broke out and on my lap laid the perfect mix between Eijirou and I. A beautiful dragon baby with (H/c) hair and red eyes. The baby blinked up at his okay us and smiled showing off their teeth. Before either of them could react the baby suddenly jumped and began eating the deer. Eijirou and I looked at each other before laughing loudly. "He's our son," Eijirou said smiling brightly. The baby turned towards us meat in his sharp teeth which made me laugh, "He's definitely your child for that, honey." He nodded and pressed a kiss to my temple, "I love you, honey." I smiled, "I love you too, love"

Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. I love you my sweet potatoes <3

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