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Okay, first City of the Dead, now this?! What is wrong with you people, why are your standards so low (all jokes aside I am very fucking grateful, thank you guys so much)?!

You were used to the system the brothers had in place. Lester acted like a lure, and brought people into Ambrose. Bo did the dirty work. And Vincent was supposed to stay in the tunnels beneath the town, but every once in a while he'd start doing some killing too. And you? You usually just played around with Molly in the woods.

You still didn't want to act like the three killers, but you had come to terms with the fact that you wouldn't be able to stop them or get away. So, you just looked on the bright side. And the bright side is that there is a cute doggo for you to pet and cuddle with, because dogs are adorable and have the nickname 'man's best friend' for a reason, god dammit.

But today... something was different.

You still had to wear the leg brace. Your bones just refused to heal properly for some reason. So, it always took you a while to 'act like part of the family and do something', as Bo would put it. And today when you made it outside, you saw Lester loading some guns into the back of Bo's truck.

And no, he had not yet fixed the headlight. Whenever people realized who the truck belonged to and who was stalking them, it was already too late.

"Ah, kid's up," Lester pointed out. "Mornin'."

"Come here," Bo demanded. "Three of us are goin' on a little trip."

"What about Vinny," you asked.

"He's stayin' here. Now get your ass over here before I drag you over," Bo said.

Well, you knew that he wasn't kidding. You had been around the drunken madman for too long to assume he was bluffing. So you marched right over to where he and Lester were, now a bit nervous.

"We're goin' huntin'," Lester told you.

"Finally gonna teach ya how ta shoot," Bo stated.

"I know how to shoot," you said quietly.

The two men looked at you, surprised.

"Really? I know ya know yer knives, but you know yer guns too," Lester asked.

"I know how to shoot a shotgun and a rifle," you answered.

"Well I'll be damned," Bo muttered. "Now get in the truck. We're leavin' soon."

You quickly obliged. You didn't want him pissed off with you when he was about to be holding a gun. You knew damn well he could kill you without possessing a firearm if he really wanted to, but you weren't planning on risking it. You'd like to stay alive, thank you very much.

A few minutes later, the two men were getting into the front of the truck, while you were in the backseat next to the bloodied makeshift weapons from when the town got new wax figures. Despite knowing how wrong all of this was, you still managed to get used to it after a while.

You were even starting to get used to the glassy look in your brother's eyes whenever you went to 'visit' him.

Nowadays your visits to him wasn't sitting on the stairs begging for some sort of familiarity or release from this Hell. You had given up on hope. Now, you tended to ask yourself if people were still out there looking for you. And if not, were they at least looking for your siblings and their friends? They all seemed to be going places with their lives. And then they were just gone.

You knew you should feel guilty. The lone survivor, only taken pity on for your age. But Vinny had been teaching you a way to keep your mind off the horrors and nightmares that wracked your brain each time you closed your eyes.

Hope (House of wax x reader)Where stories live. Discover now