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Hours later,

Finished watching two movies back to back. One is 'Triangle' other one is 'Before I fall.' He pulls his head back on his couch, where he usually takes seat whenever he thinks deep. It was a gloomy moment, when he raises up from the coach and goes outside, keeps his feet on his garden. Sunlight flashes on his body and he looks up on the blue sky. 'The sun isn't burning today.' Doesn't know why he felt different today... the letter is on his hand. He sits down on his garden's table under the shadows from bunch of leafs, where he used to take a cup of tea at afternoon. What's now gone has somehow came back. He slowly unfolded the letter. Before reading one single word, he commented, "You got time." He moves the letter over to check if any clues or any address were written. Again the answer is a big NO. As he doubts, goes to correct. He turns it over and started to read,


Don't say you were waiting for my letter. Throw it somewhere, not the flowers. I know you love it. You love it cause it has no smell, no you're so creative and elegant, you love it because IT HAS NO SMELL to simply it's beauty. A flower always preferred by its different smells, but you put one with none. That's immaculate.

I'd been so dramatic in previous letters. But you know what if I'd become the words in this letter, I would somehow see your lips are spreading dimly. Kinda boring right? Look up, look up on the sky, or raining outside, on the ardent sun, or the drops, fierce heat across, or letting you be punished wait are you actually feeling it? Or maybe I'm wrong this time. Whatever, I will go directly at the exact point, no more drama...

Possible way leads the dream, its a high chance to provide percect atmosphere out there. You know the unknown place become known when you visited. Its so normal in sense. I'd bet you on that its not normal for you. Weeks ago, what you hated the most become much familiar now. You perceived the difference, the writer knows. God creats earth's visionaries by fortunes, where you're finding chances? No way! Creat your visions Jimmy, it'll creat your world. Not saying wether you fall in Love or not. Love is so irrelevant. By it you can be eccentric plus incoherent at the same time. Maybe you could close your eyes and feel me, guessing me, trying to roll, but what if you feel only the ABSENCEY? Today the lonely heart needs more silence but with a company.
'I wonder how you go far, out of your scar.' I believe you can win yourself, thus you can win each things, the world.

Like I'll be, I'd been

Some days ago, Ashes ended. Congratulations that you made it. Forget about Blue Camaro. It wasn't me. I know you're not trusting it. What if it was actually me? Joking.. I don't smirke after watching you doubting, getting confused. I feel the hurt what needs to be gone forever, Jimmy. I know maybe you're asking why even I don't come forward, maybe I scare or something. I pretend to be other. Only I can do is to send letters et cetera. But one thing what needs to be cleared, the postcard's family wasn't mine. If I sent you the actual, You would have already guessed me. So one clue is, you know my family. Second clue is, I'm not either unknown. I know its not a difference between two lines to be separated in clues, but every words related. Maybe you're thinking I'm abnormal, or a mental patient, or I have some serious neuron problems, my brain got damaged, kindly but I want you to unravel things what I can't say directly Jimmy. I even don't  know all the things you passed, all the things come from you. Half life I stored for leading with you. I wouldn't be surprised, after coming to me, you give threat to kill me or give me some slaps on my face. 'I see,
How you become much changed, what you're gonna be.'  But I would be surprised if you say NO to my proposal.
No confusion, just feel you.

Time to escape from your past after having clearance. Just ensue my every lines, the better possible is waiting across. Every space is yours.

Be Good, be Believed.


'But why some of the lines are different from the entire?' Jimmy questioned himself, again looked at the letter, 'I see, How you become much changed, what you're gonna be'--- read it and thought- From where you even see or know? He never got his answer, but he isn't giving his habit up to ask things what has no answer.

He didn't get shock today; surely he can tell it change, change by himself.

•Ōscillatioņ• [The Mysterious Letter] England Cricket Team/ by SHIRIN SHANTA Where stories live. Discover now