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·͙⁺˚•̩̩✩•̩̩˚⁺‧͙⁺˚•̩̩ Y/n ✩•̩̩˚⁺‧͙⁺˚•̩̩✩•̩̩˚⁺‧͙

When I got home I gave my cat some food and started playing and petting him. I could see that he was bored at all the time, even when I played with him, but I didn't know what to do. 'Maybe I was able to adopt another cat' i thought

"Would you like a playmate?" I asked him in a high voice, not expecting a real answer but he meowed, i smiled.
After a while I went to my room and took out the presents for Rindou and Ran because I still had to wrap them.

I grabbed the gift paper and tape and started wrapping the presents, and pack it in bags. I wrote each of them a letter and put them in the bag, and put it on my desk.

I took a shower and washed my hair so I didn't have to do it tomorrow, and put on my pyjamas. I made some tea and lay down in bed, I turned on the TV to watch my favorite Christmas movie, After a while I fell asleep next to my cat.

Today was Christmas, i was very excited. I immediately got up full of joy and jumped around my apartment to the kitchen. It was just 9 a.m., I've never actually had this much energy in the morning, especially when I get up, but today was an exception.

After my morning coffee I took a shower and did my makeup and hair, I put on my outfit that I wanted to wear when we went to the restaurant and laid on the couch. I texted Rin good morning and decided to watch some Tik Tok to keep myself busy, which actually helped.

As time passed, I still had an hour until I had to be at Rindou's and get there, so I packed up the presents and freshened up my make-up. I also straightened my hair and gave Cookie enough food and water for the evening. After playing with him some more, I slowly put on my jacket and shoes to go.

I breathed in the cold air and made my way to the building where the two of them lived. There was a lot of snow on me and it was a bit difficult to walk on the snow with the shoes I had on, but somehow I managed it.

I had 10 minutes until the two of them came down because we wanted to go to the restaurant first and then we would go to them. When the two of them came downstairs, they were surprised that I was already there, since they usually always picked me up.

"Are these our gifts? Can I open it now?" Ran asked excited "No, not until later" i said and walked to the car, I heard Ran sigh after my statement.
However, when I turned around I was pulled back by Rindou who was now very close to me "Didn't you forget something?" He asked

I understood what he meant, so I quickly gave him a kiss and we walked to the car together.

The restaurant we were in was really nice and elegantly decorated, it was apparently a bit expensive here but that wasn't a bad thing. The people here were all dressed very fancy and paid attention to their good behavior, like not being loud and keep a good body position.

The decorations were silver and red, and fairy lights adorned the walls, I have never been to such a beautiful restaurant and especially never to one where people paid attention to peace and quiet.

We sit down and a waiter gave us the menu, After we decided we ordered our food and drinks and started chatting.

I think it's nice that I got to know them both and got along with them; they were like family to me. Especially Rindou...

✩。:•.───── ❁ - ❁ ─────.•:。✩
I hope you liked that Chapter
664 words <3☆

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ🍪
A Cookie for you <3

-𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 | 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now