Little Talks At Midnight

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Chapter Five

Once I put a foot on my hotel room I realized my feet were frozen and the heels were killing me. I took my high heels off immediately and threw myself over the bed, after a few seconds the smell of Hugo Boss perfume arrived to my nose. Robert's jacket was just underneath me emitting that divine fragrance, how much perfume did this guy use? The smell of that expensive perfume made me fall asleep in one second. I woke up two hours later due to the extreme coldness of my room and the thundering sounds coming from the crash between the rain against the window. I promptly looked at the clock and I had exactly six hours of sleep before my dat... meeting with Robert, I was spending literally too much time with him -considering I met him after I crashed my car against his a day ago-. Suddenly, the image of our dinner hours ago came to my mind, I remembered his face when I made him dance with that Mexican traditional dancer and a smile came to my face. Whilst I revived the events from hours ago, I didn't realize I was smiling and in some cases laughing like a lunatic. I shook my head and erased that smile off immediately, what is this guy doing to me? I've never smiled thinking about a guy, I mean, I'm not that kind of girl that keeps thinking about a guy all day long. Stop before it's too late. Seriously. My phone beeped and vibrated making me get out of the fight within my head, I took it and unlocked the screen, it was message.

"I had fun today, I hope I didn't wake you up. Xo R."

"Who are you?" I teased, God I'm so adorable. "Just kidding, I had fun too! I'm just going to tell you, that you indirectly woke me up :P" I sent it, drawing nearer his jacket and sniffing his cologne. God, this smells so good, I'm thinking in conserving this.

"Wow, the serious, formal lawyer sent me an emoji. Ladies and gentlemen, this is getting serious. Is this giving me some kind of priority treatment? ;)"

"Shut up, I was trying to be friendly and young. What are you doing awake at 1:23 am?" Gosh, this guy knew how to make me blush, even if he wasn't near me. How can you be young through a message? Like, seriously Isabella.

"You hurt my heart. Anyways my dog will always give me priority treatment :P" I don't know why I laughed at this, it's so sad.

"If you want priority treatment you should ride first class. I've heard they give a really good one ;)" I smirked while sending it, nailed it.

"You won me on this Clark, it was a clever one." he made me laugh.

"Well, I think I'm going to sleep. Night" I sent it, actually I wanted to continue talking with him.

"Why? I don't want to go to sleep already. Don't leave me here all alone at 1:43 am :(" I didn't want to sleep neither, but I was going to let him beg.

"It's too cold and I'm shivering, I think I'll better cuddle my pillow and try to sleep" I smiled.

"If you stop replying me I swear a God I'll go to your hotel and knock your door down until you reply me"

"You wouldn't do that" I laughed.

"It's true I wouldn't. But would it make you stay if I say that I miss you? (imagine I have a puppy face)" I smiled and felt my cheeks burning. Imagining his blue eyes looking at me like a puppy would melt me immediately, it would be too much for me.

"How could you miss me? I crashed your car, I made you spend your money and you only know me for a day" I was really looking forward for his response.

"I don't know, you're that kind of persons that I like spending time with. Like seriously, you're cool and funny, you make me laugh a lot. Regardless you don't like football :(" I laughed while reading this, he wasn't touching the football thing again, what's the matter with that tacky sport? I mean, he isn't one of those football players, is he? Why does he care too much about it?

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