Roller Coaster Of Emotions

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Chapter Twenty-two

August was the perfect month in Germany to plant apples. Isabella loved gardening and cooking, since Robert had a gigantic garden, she decided that plating some apples for making him some apple pie, would be the perfect way to thank him for being an amazing boyfriend. August wasn't just the perfect time of the year to plant apples though, it was Robert's birthday month too. The first days of the month had her calmed and relaxed; however, as the 21st of August drew nearer, she started feeling overwhelmed about what she was going to give him. What do you give to someone who has everything?

Robert was a man that lacked of nothing, he had everything he needed, wished and more. Everything he wanted, he obtained it in a blink of an eye, which made it harder for Isabella to think in a gift worth-remembering. It had to be something that can not be bought, but what?. Isabella knew that whatever she decided to give him, was going to be remembered all his life. It was his first birthday since they started dating and it had to be something groundbreaking; she was a perfectionist, so this present, as everything she did, had to be utterly and astonishingly perfect.

The day before his birthday, Isabella was shopping for Robert's surprise party when she received a message from him. He had been experimenting with his culinary side those couple of days, so he would constantly ask her to bring him some band aids. He was kind of clumsy when it came to cut things with knifes, so she would always get him the dinosaur ones; he was her baby. Isabella replied she would get them and told him what to do to stop the bleeding, she got a box of dinosaur band aids after getting all she needed for his party. She remembered the pout on Robert's face whenever he walked in with little red lines on his fingers and how she gave it soft pecks to make him feel better.

She got home as fast as the speed limit let her. She left the party stuff in the trunk and only took out the bag where band aids were. Isabella took the keys out of her purse and opened the door, she was confused when the whole foyer was completely dark. She couldn't find the switch and sought the little lamp in the stand, she left the keys in a golden tray next to the lamp after she turn it on. Everywhere was dark, except for a little dim light coming from the kitchen.

"Robert? Are you at home?" She shouted. She feared he won't answer.

"In the kitchen" he replied, Isabella sighed in relief. "Come here."

"I got your band aids..." She cut herself off.

"Surprise" he smiled.

Isabella's eyes opened widely as she saw the dinning table elegantly set and covered with a dozen candles. Robert looked at her and waited for her reaction, he was freaking out in the inside. Isabella smiled cheerfully and he felt how his soul came back to his body; everything had to be perfect. Robert invited her to sit down and moved the seat for her. Robert saw her blush and giggle while being sober for the first time ever since they started dating. He felt fulfilled and satisfied after seeing how her normal mood changed into a very happy and cheesy one.

"I made us some dinner" he said once he sat in front of her.

"That is very nice" she smiled. "I'm starving."

"I'm hungry too" he said. "I can't wait till you taste what I made."

"I'm craving for it" she smiled.

It was a four plate menu in which Robert blew Isabella's mind off, she doubted that he actually cooked everything, but it was so good that she kept her mouth shut. By the time Robert brought up the dessert, Isabella was already full. However, she wasn't going to eat it at all when she noticed that on top of the cupcake's frosting was the most beautiful diamond ring she has ever seen. She almost choke with her own saliva when she saw Robert kneeling down right in front of her.

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