The Iron Man

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Chapter Seven

The moment I opened the door and saw Robert standing there in the hallway all soaked I knew he was up to something, he didn't even give me a chance to think as he pressed his lips against mines. The heat and the rush of the moment was so intense that I couldn't contain myself, I mean, why would I? I liked this guy okay? I liked him so much it hurt my pride, my ego, my beliefs, and my long-term plans. I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him closer deepening the kiss, his tongue asked for permission to enter and without doubting, I let it in and both joined into a passionate and sexy fight against each other. Suddenly he stopped, leaving me breathless; he grabbed my face gently as he always did and looked at me with a worried expression, his icy blue eyes looked at me with fear and awe. He let me go and sat down in my bed probably soaking it but I didn't care.

"I can't do this" he sighed.

I frowned. What the hell? Did I kiss so badly?

"I-I need to tell you something" he stuttered nervously.

"What is it?" He was scaring me like seriously.

"I-I'm married" he stuttered.

I felt so naïve, how could this guy be single? I mean, there was no way on earth guys like him were still available. "W-What?" I stuttered without the intention to, I have never stuttered in my life! What is happening?

"I'm married Isabella" Robert repeated, sinking his face in his hands. "I'm getting divorced. I can explain."

"I think there's no explanation, everything is so clear for me" I replied him coldly. I'm so naïve and stupid.

"Please, Isabella" Robert begged trying to reach my hand which I immediately yanked out, stopping him from touching me.

"Okay" I sighed sitting down next to him, I couldn't be mean with him, he has been so kind and gentle with me this days. He deserves an opportunity, right?

"I can't complain about how the things end up for me to get married, Anna -my future ex-wife name- was the daughter of a really close friend of my family back in Poland. Our families were really fond to each other so Anna and I would see each other more than frequently, we went to school together and we became best friends, the years passed and I moved to Germany leaving her behind with her fitness career or whatever" Robert said never quitting his eyes off mines. "I never fell in love with her, and she never fell in love with me neither. After years of not seeing each other, we meet up in a café and talked for hours, it was like the old times, you know. Her manager called me after some weeks later asking me if I wanted to "get married", I was obviously puzzled at the beginning but after thinking about it I thought I may be a good idea."

"What? Robert! In what were you thinking? Marriage is a serious stuff! Both legally and sentimentally" I exclaimed poking him in the forehead.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed.

"This story is interesting, continue" I ordered, trying to ease off the room.

Robert chuckled silently. "Anna and I got married in a really public ceremony; I pretended that I loved her and that she, actually, was the love of my life when it wasn't. We seemed to be the happiest couple on earth, on photos and in front of the media. The press seemed to swallow the story pretty well and everything seemed so normal, she kept traveling to Poland and Ukraine for making TV commercials or photo shootings and I stayed here in Munich doing my stuff as usual. But in one of her voyages she met a man in which she fell in love with him, he seemed to be a really nice good-looking guy, he had a really weird surname."

"Robert, why did you marry her?" I asked looking at him comprehensively, I put my hand over his cold hand, showing him that I supported him.

"I've always been too shy to build up relationships, I tend to be kind of silent and I don't talk too much with people I don't know. I always feel safe inside my circle of friends and I wouldn't even think about going out of my comfort zone to talk to anyone or worse to invite a girl a drink or something" Robert replied quietly, I wasn't mad at him anymore, he was such a cute guy. "Anyhow, Anna and I agreed to end our "marriage" peacefully because I love her but not in that way; I was so happy for her to have found someone to spend her life with. And by the way she talked about him was an authentic proof of her love towards him, but he end up to being a real dick to me. He ushered Anna's lawyer to take away from me the half of my patrimony."

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