a prince?

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She arrived at the practice ground earlier than everyone in the morning. With all the other students she used to practice archery everyday.

Her grandfather who was the teacher didn't tolerate anyone coming late even if she was his granddaughter. He is very particular about time, discipline and rules.
His strictness about his work and practice has made him known everywhere that all the kings want to practice under his guidance.
Safeena 's father had the throne during this time and her grandfather used to handle the practice. The only person she was afraid of on this whole earth was her grandfather. The first rule in his rule book is betrayal is equal to death. People who betrayed him are dead. He is a man of principals.

Safeena had her goal all clear from the beginning. She knew what she wanted and she worked hard to get it. She wanted to go on wars, she wanted to fight with the enemies. She was so good at archery . She is always seen with a bow hanging on her shoulders and arrows in her hands. But she needed only one person to agree, her grandfather.

" Sister! Sister!" Her sister came running towards her in the practice ground.
" Yes Shaheen what happened?"
" I lost my necklace, please help me find it."
" Which one ?!"
" The one our mother gave us "
" Shaheen! How could you, I told you to be careful with that!"
" I know, I am sorry!"
" Where did you lost it?"
" There"
She pointed at the forest
" What were you doing in the forest this early in the morning?!"
" Can we discuss that later? You help me find it."
" But the practice begins now! He can come anytime."
" Please? I don't want to lose the last thing she ever gave me."
" Fine."

She rushed behind Shaheen.
" Here! you search there."
" Okay"
" How many times I have told you to be careful!"
" Please, you can scold me later"
" But still I want to know, what were you doing here ?!"
" I will tell you later, I want to find it right now."
They searched for it everywhere.

She was searching for the necklace and Just then she heard digging noises. She looked around her and suspiciously followed the noise. She pulled out her arrows and shouted.
" Shaheen be alert! Stay where you are."

Without making any noise, she started walking towards the sound. Suddenly the noise stops. She thought she smelled danger. As she was walking backwards slowly, she bumps into somebody. She immediately turns around and aims at the body.
" Hands above! Who are you?!" She sees a tall man with dark hair and broody eyes . He looked young as of her age.
" Calm down please! I am not harming anyone!" His voice was soft.
" What are you doing here?"
" Please put your bow down. " She saw his muddy hands and clothes.
" What are you digging here?!"
" I am just digging a grave for my mother."
As she heard mother, she lowered her bow.
" Are you telling the truth?"
" Yes "
She glanced at him suspiciously.
" I am telling the truth. Can I go now?"
" Okay . Don't be seen here again."
" I promise."
He started to walk away but he stopped looking at something below his foot. He bend over to pick it up. He turned around and asked her as she was watching him walk away.
" Is this yours?"
He showed her a necklace.
" Yes!" She exclaimed.
" Give it to me!"
" You don't have to shout. I am not going to keep it. " He chuckled.
" Give it back "
" Come and take it."
She went towards him and snatched the necklace and went back to her way.

" Here, I found it."
" Thank you so much safeena!" She hugged her
" We don't have time for this , we should hurry ! "
They both ran towards the palace.
" I am going to be scolded today because of you."
" I am sorry for that"

When they were back, it was already late. The practice was started already.
" Oh no no! I am dead today!"
" Grandfather? Can I come ?"
" Safeena you are late " He said in a statement.
" I -"
" Either come on time or don't come at all ."
" Please can I practice?"
" Safeena go "
She lowered her head and went back.

" He didn't let you in?"
" No"
" I am so sorry sister!"
" Let it be, let me go."
" You know, we have a new student coming today "
" New student?"
" Yes I heard it from our father, he is supposed to come today."
" Oh "
" Yes he is the prince of hastipur."
" Hastipur? I have never heard of that."
" He has orders to come here so maybe it exists somewhere far ."
" Maybe . You still haven't told me about this morning. How did the necklace fall off in the forest?"
" Actually, I went there last night after you told me to leave."
" Why?"
Shaheen remained silent.
" I asked why!"
" I went to meet a boy "
" You what ?!"
" I am sorry but I -"
" Are you insane ?!"
" But then I heard someone yell and then I rushed back towards the palace."
Safeena knew whom she has heard the yell from. It was the man whom she shot.
" Oh "
" Did you hear it too ?"
" Listen I want you to be careful, don't go in the forest at night , you understand?"
" Yes "
" We just had an incident, enemies are wandering in the forest. Don't go alone. It's just last month when our father was attacked, I don't want you to be next."
" Yes sister "
" Don't trust anyone "
" Yes "

It was afternoon and her grandfather called safeena and other students to gather at the ground.
" I want you to meet our new student who would be joining us from today."
As the new student entered the room and Safeena was shocked.
" This is Prince Agastya from Hastipur."
" A prince ?!" She exclaimed and his eyes laid on her. Seeing Safeena he scratched his forehead covering his eyes
" Safeena behave yourself !"
" Sorry "
She kept looking at him. He was the very same person she met in the forest this morning.
" He will be joining us, I hope you all welcome him with open arms. "
" Yes" Everybody said.
" Safeena what's that expression on your face?"
" He is definitely not a prince grandfather! I saw him today, he is lying!"
" Safeena , what are you saying?"
" I am telling the truth!"
" Show me the proof "
" I have none"
" Then speak when you have one "
She looked at him again with devil eyes.
" Agastya, I hope you gave read the rules "
" Yes teacher "
" I don't tolerate lies "
" I am aware of that "
" Good . Get back to your room, freshen up. See you tomorrow on time "
" Yes "
As her grandfather left , she went behind Agastya.
" Hey you ! Stop there "
" Yes?"
" I know you are not a prince! Tell me the truth "
" I am a prince and you don't have any proof against me so it's better you stay out of my way or else it won't end good for you."
" How dare you challenge me ?!"
" I just did it "
" You are up against me and I always win "
They stared into each other fiercely.
" We will see about that." He left .
" I am going to bring you down!" She yelled. He waved at her after listening that.
She screamed out of frustration.

Safeena Where stories live. Discover now