where's the lie ?

51 7 19

" Hey excuse me "
" Yes?" Shaheen turned around to see Agastya.
" I am prince Agastya, I wonder if you have a few minutes."
" Yes sure "
" Do you live here?"
" I am a princess."
" You are? I am so sorry "
" No it's okay , what do you want?"
" So I guess as you are the princess you know the palace by heart?"
" Yes , do you need to go somewhere?"
" No I just need a tour . So that I can get used to it."
" Oh okay no problem."
" Thank you very much for helping me out."
" No problem. You need it now? I am free."
" Yes why not "
" Let's go then."

Shaheen started showing off the palace to agastya. He was keenly watching each and every corner of it.

" Is there prison here?"
" Yes there is , it's in the back side of the palace."
" Oh , are we allowed to go there?"
" Not at all "
" Oh okay "
" And there's the forest"
" Alright."
" We can go there right?"
" Kind off, only with permission."
" Why?"
" There is some danger wandering around that's why."
" What kind of danger?"
" Some enemies, recently my father was attacked by someone."
" Oh my! "
" Yeah but we arrested the culprit."
" I don't think so "
" Why?"
" Nothing can we go there?"
" Yes but right now my sister must be practicing there "
" You have a sister?"
" Yes elder sister, you might have met her in practice, her name is Safeena."
" She is a princess too?"
" Yes did you not know?"
" No"
" Well beware of her , thank me later!"
They both walked towards Safeena practicing. He saw her blindfolded and aiming by listening the bell she had attached to her target.
Slowly slowly she walked and aimed right at the target. She shot her arrow right towards the target.
" Wow ! This was brilliant!" He exclaimed loudly. She removed her blindfold.
" What are you doing with this one here?" Safeena yelled at her.
" I was showing him the palace"
" No need to show him. Get away from him."
" Jealous ?" He said smirking at her.
" Shut your mouth."
She went towards her target to take a look.
" You don't want to mess with her." Shaheen whispered to agastya.

She then slammed a tree in disappointed.
" What happened?" Shaheen asked
" Nothing it's slightly below the actual target."
" So ? I could have never done this , you are very good at this . "
" It's not perfect "
" It doesn't matter , it hit the target right ?"
" But it's not the centre "
" Everything can't be perfect " Agastya said to her .
" I want it to be perfect, you got it?"
" It shouldn't , I appreciate you."
" I will be appreciated only when it's perfect"
" Who told you that?! It's not true "  Agastya claimed
" Stop this " she took a pause and then continued, " Shaheen , Come with me!"
She pulled her hand and started walking away.
" See you later princess!" He said

She took Shaheen to the corridor and questioned her
"Shaheen , what did he say to you?"
" Nothing, he just asked me to show him around."
" Why?"
" So that he could get used to it ."
" Don't believe him! He is a Liar ! He can be an enemy ."
" He seemed nice but he was looking everywhere as if he was studying this place."
" Something's fishy , I will find out. You stay away from him , you got it ?"
" Yes."
" Good "

It was midnight and She was walking towards Agastya's room to check if she could get something which she could use against him.
" What are you doing here Safeena? You shouldn't be here in the boys area ." She met Salim on the way.
" I know, it won't take long."
" What's the matter?"
" Nothing, would you tell me where that agastya' s room is ?"
" That corner one on the left."
" Thank you."
" Is he in there?"
" Maybe"
" Alright "
" But what's happening?"
" Nothing, you don't worry about that, you just add this one in the box of not telling anyone okay?"
" Okay " he gave a little laugh.
She slowly went towards his room and peeked into it through the door by opening it a little. She saw him sleeping.
" Good he is sleeping!"
She slowly opened the door and tiptoed her way in.
She saw paintings hanging on the wall, his clothes all folded up neat and tidy, his room was all cleaned up. She saw some chalk and charcoal lying on his table.
" These are some unusual paintings, suits his weird personality anyway."
She saw him turning sides so she sat down slowly under his table.
" Don't wake up! Don't wake up!" She started muttering it.
When she thought it was okay to come out, she slowly tiptoed her way back to the door .
" I will come back to check again. This time I may have not got anything but next time I will."
Saying this to herself she went back to her room.

The next morning as usual she was the first one to arrive on the practice field. She started her own practice without waiting for anyone.
" Good morning princess!" Agastya greeted her and she totally ingnored him.
" Fine . Can you pass me the bow?"
" It's mine"
" Okay, I just need it for some time."
" Take another one "
" Alright " He sighed and and took another one.
" I should say you are good at this."
She looked at him once and then turned her focus on her aim.
" What's your problem?" He asked her
" My problem is you. I hate people who lie and you are continuously lying to me and my family. "
" Trust me I do too."
" I don't trust you."
He hummed and then saw other students joining them .

" Everyone line up !" Her grandfather instructed.
" Today , I want all of you to aim at this Target that I have craved for you all. You have 5 arrows. 5 chances. Don't fail. Begin."

Safeena was the first one to try. She had that confidence in her that she will score all the 5 arrows.
She took the first arrow adjusted it in the bow and started aiming .
She shot her first arrow which was direct at the centre of the target. Everyone was amazed. One after other her arrows went right on the target. She was happy that she completed her task efficiently. Agastya was the first one to start clapping.
" Amazing!" He exclaimed.
She looked at her grandfather watching her hoping for him to appreciate her.
" Alright next."

The smile on her face faded immediately and agastya noticed that. He understood why she thrives so much about being perfect.
She stood next to agastya and he whispered to her,
" You were amazing! "
She looked at him and he gave her a smile.
" Teach me that trick you did."
" There is no trick , I practiced day and night for that."
" You are inspiring." He smiled proudly at her.

After hours the practice ended and everyone started leaving.
" Hey ! Princess!"
" Will you ever leave my back?"
" Could you tell me where the kitchen is ?"
" Kitchen ? Why do you want the kitchen ?"
" I need something "
" What ?"
" Are you going to get it for me ?"
" Hell not "
" Then just tell me or else I have to ask your sister. She seems to answer better "
" Don't go near her "
" Will you tell me please?"
" I will come with you , I don't trust you at all."
" Fine "
She went to the kitchen taking him with her.
" They are the maids here?"
" Use those two buttons on your face."
" Harsh"
" What do you want ?"
" I need some coal or charcoal "
" To paint ?" She regretted saying that out loud.
" How did you know that I paint ?"
" I am good at reading people "
" Oh good "
" If my grandfather didn't have approved you , you would have been in prison right now." Saying that she took the charcoal from the maid's hands.
" I wish "
" What ?!"
" Hand it over please?"
She threw it at his face and went back.
" There are two windows here , what can you see through that ?"
" This one is for the smoke to get out and that one is just useless there is no view there." The maid answered.
" Can I see it ?"
" Sure "
He looked down through the each windows precisely.
" What are still doing here?!" Safeena questioned.
" Just looking"
" Get out . Why didn't you follow me ?!" She yelled.
" I was supposed to?"
" Don't play games with me , follow me. "
" It's tough following you "
" Shut up"
He joined his hands and said
" After you "

Safeena Where stories live. Discover now