run for life

21 4 10

" My principles are bigger than my emotions. Now let's end this."
" She is your granddaughter! And you stabbed her in her stomach! Which grandfather does that?"
" Don't you dare talk to a person who has your life in his hands."
" And don't you talk to a person who has your son's life in his hands."
" What?"
Everyone turned their attention towards the king with a sword on his neck placed by one and only, Alfez.
" You all falsely accused me for trying to kill the king. Now I might make it true."
" Aseem!" Her grandfather yelled loudly.
" Don't touch my brother or else I will give you his head."
" Alfez, he my father!" Safeena called him out.
" Safeena I am sorry but I have to. "
" Alfez , he --"
She looked at Aseem and he reassured her. She trusted him and didn't interfere him.
" Leave my brother"
Both the soldiers dropped Aseem on the ground. Safeena ran towards him with one hand on her stomach.
" Aseem"
" Safeena, are you okay?"
" Me? You are asking me? "
He tried to look at her stomach.
" No, Aseem , are you alright?"
He tried to stop the blood oozing out from her cut.
" Aseem, the arrow in your leg , let me take it out."
" No wait, let me check you first."
" Stop shut up, don't make me more furious."
" Easy easy Aseem" she tried to slowly pull it out. She was so nervous for the very first time.
" Safeena! Pull it in one go " Alfez shouted.
He put his head on her shoulder when she tried to take it out. She placed one hand on his head and other on arrow trying to pull it out.
She finally took it out and he handled it .
" Safeena, can you take him?"
" Yeah "
When she tried to pull him, her body couldn't handle the pressure. The cut on her stomach started to bleed.
" Safeena, you're bleeding"
" No it's okay , can you stand up?"
" No wait."

" No one will come ahead. Everyone behind." Alfez shouted. " Run both of you towards the gate."
" Look at the doings of her. Putting her father's life in danger for her lover. This daughter you were proud of? Look at her helping her lover, not you ." Her grandfather shouted at her father.
" I loathe you Safeena " grandfather yelled.
The one person she always waited to hear compliments from, said the one thing she thought she would never hear from him.
" I don't want to see your face ever again. You are dead to me."
He paused and continued,
" Go anywhere you want, but if I see you again anywhere near my kingdom, you are good as dead."
" Wait wait don't do this-" Aseem interrupted him.
" Aseem stop , don't request him anymore. He is not going to listen. "
" Safee-"
" I am as stubborn as him. Let's go. Get up."
" Safeena "
" I am going to take revenge Safeena , don't you forget that. These boys are dead."
She ignored her grandfather's warning.
She got him up on his feet with his one hand on her shoulder for support as he was not able to walk.

Alfez brought the king with him near the gates infront of everyone.
Safeena and Aseem walked together as possible for them to Alfez.
" Get in " Alfez said to them.
" Safeena, go away and don't come back okay?"
" Father?"
" I am not talking it as a warning, it's just I care about you , so just leave okay? My father won't let you breath in peace. We will be in contact. You three of you take care of yourselves."
" Thank you so much father."

Alfez then left her father in between and the three of them left. Everyone was silent in the carriage. Alfez was riding the horses , Aseem was sitting right behind Alfez and she was staring outside. Aseem slowly shifted towards her after sometime.
" What?" She asked.
" Nothing, I am sorry"
" Why? You did whatever you had to."
" Safeena?"
" What now?" She sounded frustrated
" Come to me "
" Why?"
" Just come okay?"
" Hey, I am alright, you don't need to console me or anything."
" Safeena just-"
" Aseem just don't do anything okay? Just stay silent"
" Safeena?"
" Aseem , I don't want to fight with you please"
He came forward to her trying to get her into a hug.
" Aseem let go , I don't want to -" she started pushing and hitting him back but he finally brought her in.
" I said no-"
He patted her head and hugged her tight.
" I am so sorry for everything."
She stayed silent for a few seconds and then broke down
" How could he do this to me? He said I am dead to him? Me? How could he? I would not ever do anything to harm my father, ever! He should know, I never support the wrong, he himself taught me that. He disbelieved me. I don't know what to do now-!"
" He will understand you "
" He won't, didn't you see what he did to me? "
He tried to console her but instead he couldn't stop his own tears.
" You know, everyone I ever loved leaves me. My mother, I was very close to her , she died. She left me too. I left behind my father, my sister even my grandfather for that matter. You , I love you too--"
" I won't leave you. Ever. Even if you leave me, I won't leave you."
" Please don't leave me "
" I won't , I won't I promise."
" I love you so much, I couldn't ever imagine that someone would sacrifice so much for me. I don't deserve you nor any of this."
" What? What are you talking about?"
" I feel so much guilty that I made you go through this. I did this to you, what kind of a man am I?"
" Are you out of your mind?! I am not sad that I am here with you. I am not sad that I loved you . I don't regret any of this. I am just sad that it would have been better if my family would have accepted the truth. So just put this out of your mind okay?
He nodded.
" And after all , everything that happened was because of us. If your brother was not arrested maybe we wouldn't even have met."
" Oh then how my life would have been a lot easier then"
" Easier huh?!" She started hitting him again.
" Hey!"
" All thanks to me that I got arrested for your love." Alfez said.
" Yes yes  all credit to you my brother."
She finally smiled again and he was happy to see her.

" Listen, now we have to do some painful things alright? So please make up your mind." Alfez said.
" What?" She asked.
" Both of you have been slashed by a sword, so it's necessary to clean the wounds so that it won't be infectious."
" How do you know so much about it?"
" I used to treat people mostly soldiers after or during wars. So I know."
" Oh " she was impressed.
" And it's going to hurt a lot." Alfez warned her.
" It's okay, I have a --"
" High pain tolerance " Aseem completed her sentence.
He was lying in the carriage with his head on her lap.
" What we have to do?"
" We need to stop somewhere. And "
" And?"
" We need to clean and apply  bandages it to your wounds. I have bandages in the carriage."
" Is it really important now?"
" Of course it stops the infection, we have to do this"
" I am okay with it but I am not sure about him. " She says pointing at Aseem .
" Why?" Aseem asked.
" You don't have a high pain tolerance as me."
" Hey! "
They laughed for a bit and then Alfez stopped the carriage.

" Now comes the hard part. I will start the fire, both of you get comfortable there."
" Aseem-" Alfez asked him to get ready.
" First her." Aseem said.
" No first him."
" Her first, Alfez, please, treat her first."
" No, you have been hurt a lot more than me. You are not able to even walk properly Aseem. Alfez, treat him"
" Alfez ,her --"
" Stop. I am the princess, you both listen to me . Alfez treat him ." She ordered.
" Fine Aseem, are you ready?"
He closed his eyes as he was cleaning the wound. The arrow had pierced badly so it left a huge hole. It was quite painful for him and even to watch it. Safeena couldn't even watch him. After sometime Aseem was all bandaged up.

" Now her , Alfez."
" Actually aa-"
" What happened?"
" I need to ah--"
" What? Treat her , what are you waiting for?" Aseem asked curiously.
" You need to --" Alfez looked towards Safeena weirdly.
" What? "
" You have been stabbed in the stomach so-"
" So?"
" So you need to , you know-"
" Alfez what is it?"
" I need to see your stomach to heal it and for that you have to remove your a- " he pointed at her dress.
" Oh it's alright I will halfly remove it-"
" No hey! No " Aseem hugged her.
She gave a laugh.
" Let him do this job." Safeena chuckled.
" No , I won't let you see her " Aseem stated.
" It's quite awkward for me too you know --" Alfez said to her.
" No it's okay, I am okay with it." She reassured.
" Hey I am not . I will do that to her, you just tell me how to without looking."
" Alright."
" Turn around brother " he instructed Alfez.

" Let me remove it for you " Aseem said to her looking with desire.
" You are in so much pain and still have that audicity to make love to me."
" No wound or pain in this world can stop me from loving you."
She looked at the ground and smiled.
" I am still here and I don't want to hear this. I would be glad if you continue your task." Alfez said.
" Sure " Aseem smiled in his cheeks..

Safeena Where stories live. Discover now